高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 Language points.pptVIP

高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 Language points.ppt

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主句为 find + 宾语 + 宾补结构,其中的your colleagues 为 find 的 _____,eager to assist you 为 ______ 短语作 __________。在该结构中,可充当宾补的还有现在分词,过去分词,介词短语等。 从句为so引导的 ____________, 从句中含有if引导的 _____________。 宾语 形容词 宾语补足语 结果状语从句 条件状语从句 I find my new classmates ________ _______________. easy to get along with accuse sb. ___ sth./doing sth. 控告、指责某人某事 blame sb. ____ sth./doing sth. 因某事指责某人 charge sb. ____ sth./doing sth. 控告、指责某人某事 of with for 提醒某人某事 通知某人某事 使某人信服某事 说服某人某事 抢劫某人某物 使某人摆脱某事 警告某人某事 remind sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth. convince sb. of sth. persuade sb. of sth. rob sb. of sth. rid sb. of sth. warn sb. of sth. You must _____ my advice _______. 你一定要记住我的话。 keep in mind ______ … to mind 使想起 ______ to mind 想到 _________ one’s mind 下决心 ____ one’s mind on 下决心要 bring come make up set Whether we can go to swim ________ on/upon the temperature of the water. depends _____ depends. 看情况而定。 __ depends. 看情况而定。 __ ___ depends. 看情况而定。 ____ ____ depend on it. 你放心好了。 That It It all You may He runs everyday ___________ weight. so as to lose so as to + 动词原形 = so … as to + 动词原形 = _______ + 从句 ________ + 从句 为了做某事(引 ________) 如此…以致于做某事(引导________) so that 目的状语 so…that 结果状语 1. She saves every penny so as to buy a house of her own. She saves every penny _____________ buy a house of her own. 2. She was so foolish as to have believed what he said. She was _____________ she believed what he said. so that he can so foolish that so as to do in order to do So as to get a better job, he went abroad for further study. In order to get a better job, he went abroad for further study. He went abroad for further study in order to get a better job. He went abroad for further study so as to get a better job. so as to 只能用于句 ___ in order to 可以用于句 ___ 或句 ___ 中 首 中 vt. ____ ____ ____ 要求 请求 需要 The master _________that Tom catch a mouse everyday. demands demand ______ sth. 要求做某事 demand + that 从句 + 主语 + ___________ demand sb. ___ sth. 要求


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