高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 U4Read language points.pptVIP

高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 U4Read language points.ppt

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Language Points 1.Fill in with “occupation; job; profession ; work”. 1) Please provide the information about your name, ago and ____________ in the form. 2) I have a few__________ to do in the house this morning. 3) Looking after children all day is hard_______. 4) The report notes that forty per cent of lawyers entering the __________ are women. occupation jobs work profession 相关时态 从句形式 主句形式 表现在 表过去 表将来 ①过去式    ②should +V原③were to +V 原 would/could/should /might + V 原 虚拟条件句举例: If I were you, I would go there at once. If it were to rain tomorrow, they would not go out. 3. Never will 注意: 当一些否定词,如: never, little, hardly, scarcely, seldom, not, not only, no sooner 放在句首时,句子部分倒装, Nowhere else can you find such a beautiful place.        Mrs. Jackson was not only strict with us, but she also cared for us. ---- Not only was Mrs Jackson strict with us, but she also cared for us. 2) We should at no time park our cars in a manner which will block emergency service. ---- At no time should we park our cars in a manner which will block emergency service. 3)They had hardly got to the station when the train suddenly pulled away. --- Hardly had they got to the station when the train suddenly pulled away. 4) We can allow the things to go on like this in no case. --- In no case can we allow the things to go on like this. 5. Zhou Yang didn’t go out on a story on his own until three months later. --- Not until three months later did Zhou Yang go out on a story on his own. 4. be to +do, 这里表示将来的时态,有注定的意味。 He is never to see his wife again. be to +动词原形可以表示一种责任,需要,警告或命令的语气。 You are to be back before 10 pm. 否定形式be (not) to +动词原形表示一种可能性。 The lost child was not to be found. be to +动词原形也可以表示一种不会改变的安排或意向。                  They are to be married next month. The sports meet is to be held on Sept. 27. 5. influence n.影响力;有影响力的人或事 v. 影响(某人)对…起作用 The influ


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