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辽宁省凤城市2017年高考英语一轮阅读理解选编二 【2016高考英语阅读理解训练】阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案。 Weve all heard the old saying,“Sticks and stones can break my bones,but words can never hurt me.” Dont you believe it?Words are powerful,and they can hurt—a lot. In fact,if youre not careful,you can even hurt yourself,by using the wrong word in your writing. Recently a friend sent me a copy of an e-mail she received from the customer service department of her credit card company,after she contacted them with a question about her account. She was happy with their positive response. But as I read the e-mail,one line jumped out at me:“In lieu of good customer service...” Did they really mean they were offering her a few extra reward points instead of good customer service?I doubt it. More likely,what the customer service department meant to say was,“Because good customer service is important to us...” followed by the details of what they were doing to make sure she remained a happy customer. So why didnt the writer say that?I can only guess that perhaps the writer liked the phrase “in lieu of”,thought it sounded more interesting than saying “because”,and so used it—without bothering to check the true meaning. Have you ever done that?Try to impress others with a big word,only to find out youve used the word incorrectly?Its just the opposite effect,isnt it?You may impress people all right,but its not the impression you were going for. When you write,remember to choose your words carefully. People may still disagree with what you say,but they wont be able to dismiss you because you made careless mistakes in how you said it. 1.Whats the writers purpose in giving the saying? A.To amuse the reader. B.To persuade the reader. C.To support a conclusion. D.To lead to the topic. .It can be inferred that the writers friend ______. A.was the manager of the customer service department B.was the customer of the credit card company C.emailed a company to complain D.used a phrase incorrectly .What does the phrase “in lieu of”


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