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南京信息职业技术学院 毕业设计论文 作者 叶兴君 学号 21215D40 系部 机电学院 专业 机电一体化 题目 智能立体车库研究 指导教师 孙妍 评阅教师 完成时间: 2016年 4 月30 日 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 智能立体车库研究 摘要:随着国家经济的繁荣,越来越多的汽车逐渐走向私有化,随之而来的便是严重的停车问题,智能车库便是解决问题的关键,车库的智能化和人性化的特点满足了人们的生活需求。通过对车库的不种类型,研究其工作原理,及自身优缺点,从而分析了车库适用的场合。针对机场,车站,写字楼,选用水平循环式车库,解决了人员密集,节约资源的问题;在大型商场,一般使用升降横移式,解决了人员密集,存取方便的问题。基于PLC技术,运用控制电机实现了存取车业务,利用工控机对车库实现了管理功能。针对车型不同,研究了车库的自身大小,用于节约资源,出于安全考虑,还研究了一系列安全点,保障了车辆及人身安全。 关键词:PLC 传感器 立体车库 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title : The research on intelligent stereo garage? Abstract: With the prosperity of the national economy, more and more car gradually toward privatization and consequent is the serious problem of parking, garage intelligence is the key to solve the problem, the characteristics of the intelligence and humanity of the garage to meet the needs of peoples lives. Through the garage of the type, the study of its working principle, and its own advantages and disadvantages, so as to analyze the application of the garage occasion. Aiming at the airport, stations, office buildings, selection of horizontal circulation type garage, to solve the personnel intensive, conservation of resources; in large shopping malls, the general use of the up-down and translation, to solve the personnel intensive and easy to access. Based on PLC technology, the use of control motor to achieve access to the car business, the use of industrial control computer to achieve the management functions of the garage. For the different models, the study of the garages own size, used to save resources, for safety reasons, also studied a series of safety points, to protect the vehicle and personal safety. Keywords: PLC, sensor,stereo garage 目录 1 绪论.............................................................1 1.1 智能车库的简介.............................


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