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毕业设计说明书中文摘要 基于单片机的火灾应急照明系统设计 摘要:火灾是指在时间和空间上失去控制的燃烧所造成的灾害。在各种灾害中,火灾是最经常、最普遍地威胁公众安全和社会发展的主要灾害之一。人类能够对火进行利用和控制,是文明进步的一个重要标志。所以说人类使用火的历史与同火灾作斗争的历史是相伴相生的,人们在用火的同时,不断总结火灾发生的规律,尽可能地减少火灾及其对人类造成的危害。火灾,几乎是和火的利用同时发生的,随着现代社会的不断发展,现代家庭用火、用电量正在逐年增加,火灾发生的频率越来越高,火灾不仅毁坏物质财产,造成社会秩序的混乱,还直接或间接危害生命,给人们的心灵造成极大的危害。每年都有许多人被火灾夺去生命。由于人们的疏忽而发生的火灾与爆炸,不仅造成人员的大量伤亡,还承受着严重的经济损失。 本文设计了一种在火灾情况下由单片机控制的应急照明系统。本次设计以MCS-51单片机为核心,符合消防应急灯具国家标准GB17945-2000。论文首先分析了常用消防应急灯如何工作,随后说明火灾情况下如何触发应急照明,然后介绍本次设计的系统如何实现应急照明,着重介绍单片机的工作、火灾信号处理和火灾信号延时处理。 关键字:单片机 火灾应急照明 传感器 毕业设计说明书外文摘要 Design of emergency lighting system based on single chip fire ABSTRACT The fire is out of control in time and space on the disaster caused by burning. In a variety of disasters, fire is most often, the most common one of the main disasters threatening public safety and social development. Human beings can on Fire use and control, is an important symbol of civilization and progress. So that human use of fire history with the same Fire fighting history associated with health, people in fire at the same time, constantly sum up the rule of fire occurrence,As far as possible damage to reduce fire and cause for mankind. Fire, and fire are almost the use of simultaneous,With the continuous development of modern society, modern home with fire, electricity consumption is increasing year by year, more and more high frequency of fire, fire not only destroy the material property, cause social disorder, but also directly or indirectly harm to life, the soul of the people caused great harm. Every year many people killed by fire. Fire and explosion due to the negligence of the people, not only caused a large number of casualties, also suffer serious economic losses. This paper introduces a design of emergency lighting system in case of fire by single-chip microcomputer control. This design to MCS-51 microcontroller as the core, in line with the national fire emergency luminaries standar


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