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本科毕业设计 题  目 基于MATLAB的数字图像增强技术 基于MATLAB的数字图像增强技术 摘要:数字图像处理是一门新兴技术,随着计算机硬件的发展,数字图像的实时处理已经成为可能,由于数字图像处理的各种算法的出现,使得其处理速度越来越快,能更好的为人们服务。数字图像处理是一种通过计算机采用一定的算法对图形图像进行处理的技术,数字图像处理技术已经在各个领域上都有了比较广泛的应用。数字图像处理是指将图像信号转换成数字格式并利用计算机对其进行处理的过程。在图像处理中,图像增强技术对于提高图像的质量起着重要的作用。本文先对图像增强的原理以及各种增强方法进行概述,然后着重对灰度变换、直方图均衡化增强方法进行了深入的研究,在学习数字图像的基本表示与处理方法的基础上,针对图像增强的普遍性问题,研究和实现常用的图像增强方法及其算法,通过Matlab实验得出的实际处理效果,讨论不同的增强算法的适用场合,并对其图像增强方法进行性能评价。 MATLAB-based digital image enhancement technology Abstract: Digital image processing is an emerging technology, with the development of computer hardware, real-time digital image processing has become possible due to digital image processing algorithms to appear, making it faster and faster processing speed, better for People services .Digital image processing is used by some algorithms computer graphics image processing technology. Digital image processing technology has been in various areas have a relatively wide range of applications.Digital image processing is the procedures of converting image signal into digital format, then using the computer to process it. In the image processing, image enhancement technology plays an important role in improving the quality of the image. This article first introduces the principles of image enhancement and various methods of image strengthening, and then focus on several methods to enhance in-depth study such as the gray transformation, histogram equalization, smoothing and sharpening, and other commonly used in learning the basic digital image With the approach that on the basis of image enhancement for the universality of the problem, research and realization of common image enhancement methods and algorithms, through Matlab experiment that the actual effect of various algorithms to compare the advantages and disadvantages to discuss the different enhancement algorithm The application of occasions, and its image enhancement method of performance evaluation. Keywords: Digit


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