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基于单片机的温湿度监控报警系统设计 摘要 温度、湿度和人类的生产、生活有着密切的关系,尤其是在医学、电子电力、航天航空、食品发酵,农业生产等领域中对温湿度的要求尤其严格,是最常见最基本的参数,例如机械、电子、石油、化工等各类工业中广泛需要对温度湿度的实时检测与控制。并且随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对自己的生存环境越来越关注。而空气中温湿度的变化与人体的舒适度和情绪都有直接的影响,所以对温度湿度的检测及控制就非常有必要了。 使用STC89C52单片机设计温湿度监控报警系统,可以即时精确的反应温室内外的温度以及湿度的变化。完成诸如升温到特定的温度、降温到特定的温度。在温度上下限范围内保持恒温等多种控制方式,在湿度控制方面也是如此。将此系统应用到温室当中无疑为植被生长提供了更加适宜的环境。对于大棚种植和花圃、花卉栽培,必须在某些特定环境安装温湿度装置对其进行监控。本系统可以及时、精确的反映室内外的温度以及湿度的变化,能够满足温湿度的控制要求。 关键词:温湿度 监控 STC89S52 Abstract Temperature, humidity and has close relation with the human production and living, especially in medicine, electronics, electric power, aerospace, food fermentation, the requirements for temperature and humidity in areas such as agricultural production is particularly strict, is the most common is the most basic parameters, such as machinery, electronics, petroleum, chemical industry etc widely needed in real-time detection and control of temperature, humidity. And as people living standard rise, people for their own survival environment more and more attention. And the bodys comfort level with the change of temperature and humidity in the air and mood has a direct effect, so the detection and control of the temperature humidity is very necessary. Using a STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer temperature and humidity monitoring alarm system, can real-time accurate reaction inside and outside the greenhouse temperature and humidity changes. Finish such as heating up to a specific temperature and cooling to a specific temperature. In upper and lower temperature range constant temperature control of a variety of ways, so in terms of humidity control. Will no doubt of this system is applied to the greenhouse for vegetation growth provide a more comfortable environment. For greenhouses planting and flower beds, flower cultivation, must be installed in some specific environment to monitor the temperature and humidity devices. This system can timely and accurately reflect the change of indoor and outdoor temper


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