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******大学 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目:基于PLC的防砂模拟试验 控制系统设计 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 摘 要 PLC是Programmable Logical Controller 的简称,广泛应用于冶金、石油、化工、交通运输、轻工、电力、汽车、通用机械、智能建筑等各个领域,是目前一种应用场合最多的工业控制器,在工业自动化中起着举足轻重的作用。本课题研究石油开采过程中,油井SIMATIC S7-300 PLC的模拟控制系统设计。模拟控制系统设计要求计量泵、加砂电机、加砂搅拌以及泥浆泵等设备的启/停以及联动控制在STEP7编程环境下的实现。在模拟控制系统设计过程中,充分考虑了实验系统控制流程,设计传感器采集信号,PLC处理信号并产生控制信号,控制信号输出到变频器调节对应电机速度,并对信号的处理设计了合理的算法,这样的思路在具体硬件配置组态,编程实现和S7-PLCSIM模拟器仿真调试中获得了很好的效果,基本达到了实验系统的实际需求。。 关键词:可编程逻辑控制器;石油防砂实验系统;联动控制;SIMATIC S7-300;STEP7;S7-PLCSIM ABSTRACT The PLC is the brief name of the Programmable Logical Controller, which is widely used in the metallurgy, petroleum, chemical engineering, transportation extensively conveyance, light work, electric power, automobile, general use machine, the intelligence building etc. It’s currently a kind of the most situation applied industry controller,and rises a prominent role in industry automation area. This topic research the design of Emulation Control System for the sand-defend machine device of the oil well in the process in petroleum mines, based on the SIMATIC S7-300 PLC, which require the calculation pump, sand –add electric motor, and it’s adding and mixing of sands, the mud pump, and some of the other equipments , of which the start and stop and the multiple control be achieved in the STEP7 environment. The design process well considered the craft control request, designed the feeling machine to collect the state signal. Then the PLC handles the signal and creates control signal output. The state control signal outputs to converter to coordinate the related electric motor and regulate its speed, and cooperated with equitable algorithm as well. The design obtain good result in the specification of hardware installation and organization, realization in program, and the simulation in S7- PLCSIM emulator. Key words: Programmable Logical Controller; the petroleum sand-defend experimental system; the multiple control; SIMATIC S7-300; STEP7; S7-PLCS


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