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中国石油大学(华东)毕业设计(论文) 基于龙芯2F平台web服务器性能测试 专业班级:班 摘 要 第一型的速度是266MHz,最早在2002年开始使用。龙芯速度最高为1GHz众所周知,CPU是决定电脑性能的核心部件,也是整个系统的核心。其负责整个系统指令的执行、数学与逻辑的运算;数据的存储与传送;以及对内对外输入/输出的控制。而在这个电脑核心部件市场领域里,人们最为熟悉的两个品牌无疑是Intel和AMD,他们在处理器市场的强势地位似乎无人能撼动。在CPU技术上,我们跟国外厂商有着较大的差距,缺乏具有自主知识产权的CPU芯片,是我国计算机产业的一大“芯”病,也是我们这些电子工作者、网络人胸口永远的痛。 过去,代表着国际IT顶尖技术的CPU芯片一直被英特尔等国外巨头所垄断,中国企业及消费者为之付出了巨额版权费。好在神州龙芯公司先后推出了“龙芯1号”、“龙芯2号”,打破了中国无“芯”的历史。“龙芯”的诞生被业内人士誉为民族科技产业化道路上的一个里程碑。商品化的“龙芯”1号CPU的研制成功标志着我国已打破国外垄断, 初步掌握了当代CPU设计的关键技术,为改变我国信息产业“无芯”的局面迈出了重要的步伐,对我国形成有自主知识产权的计算机产业有重要的推动作用,对中国的CPU核心技术、国家安全、经济发展都有举足轻重的作用关键词 ABSTRACT Godson is independently developed CPU, using reduced instruction set, set,similar to the MIPS instruction set, the first type of speed is 266MHz, started in 2002. Godson-2 speeds up to 1GHz. Godson-3 is coming soon. As we all know, CPU is to determine the performance of the core components of the computer,also the core of the system.it take charge of the instructions f implementation of the system, math and logic operations;,data storage and transmission,and internal and external input / output control.In the area of core components of the computer market The most familiar brands are Intel and AMD. No one can shake their strong position in the processor market , In CPU technology, we now have a larger gap between foreign manufacturers.with the lack of CPU chip with independent intellectual property rights, Chinas computer industry is a major core disease, these e-workers, our network of people eternal pain in the chest. In the past, representing the leading international IT technologies such as Intel CPU chip has been dominated by foreign giants, Chinese companies and consumers paid a huge amount of royalties. Fortunately, BLX company has launched the Godson-1, Godson-2, breaking the Chinese no core of history. Godson’birth was praised as a milestone on the road of the industry of science and technology industries. Commercialization of the Godson The successful development of CPU 1


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