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前 言 这次毕业设计我们所做的是华能集团下属的岭东矿矿井设计。 在这次毕业设计之前,我们在陈志彬老师的带领下到陶一矿进行了为期一个月的生产实习。在这次生产实习中,我们收集了大量的设计资料并结合生产中现场工作的经验,完成了对牛儿庄矿矿井的初步设计。并且在这次生产实习中,更加深了我们对今后所从事的工作的了解;同时,我们也获得了先进的设计思想及设计中所涉及到的在学校里所学不到的现场工作经验,为毕业设计的顺利进行打下了坚实的基础。 本次毕业设计是我们毕业设计小组所有成员共同努力的成果。是小组成员经过共同的研讨,反复计算并比较后共同确定的,是我在四年大学学习的结晶。 岭东矿矿矿井设计共包括以下几部分: 1.矿井的水文、地质等基本情况的概述。 2.矿井井田内的可采储量,矿井生产能力及服务年限的确定。 3.矿井井田的总体开拓的设计,包括水平的划分,井筒位置的确定,经济比较部分,矿井延深方案的确定,采区的划分,井底车场线路计算,硐室布置及井底车场的通过能力计算等部分。 4.工作面生产机械的参数,工作面生产程序的确定以及采区车场的设计计算等部分。 5.矿井生产中的提升、运输、通风、排水方式的确定及其所用设备额选型计算与相关的硐室布置等。 由于本人水平有限,又没有长时间的生产和工作经验,所以在设计中必定有很多不理想的地方,希望各位老师与同学多多指教,本人感激不尽。 Abstract This graduation design is about the new mine planning for Lingdong coal mine, which is a coal mine belonging to HuaNeng. It involves the geology, development, operation, transportation, haulage, ventilation and drainage, among other respects, in special terms; 1. Summary of the mine, this chapter mainly introduces the position, geology and conditions of the coal seam. 2. Mine development. This chapter extrapolates among other areas, reserve, serving limits, working system, spot of the draft, selection of level, further drift of mine, panel division and underground station. 3.Design of mining districts and retreating technology. This chapter explains the general situation of the mining district, technology and techniques of the working face, roadway layout and operation system in the mining district, the design of the mining district station, cave layout and the schedule for drainage and mining in the main mining district. 4.Operational system of the mine, this chapter states transportation, haulage, ventilation and drainage systems of the mine and the selection of equipment used in the system mentioned above. In order to practice and reinforce the wealth of the knowledge learned in the past four years, I try my best to introduce various state-of-the-arts when respecting the specific situation of LingDong coal mine. For instance, long wall mine on the inclination, long wal


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