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北方民族大学 学士学位论文 论文题目: 数学解题策略的进一步研究 院(部)名 称: 信息与计算科学学院 学 生 姓 名: 杨 令 宗 专 业: 数学与应用数学 学 号: 指导教师姓名: 叶 志 萍 论文提交时间: 论文答辩时间: 学位授予时间: 北方民族大学教务处 摘 要 数学解题策略就是为了实现解题的目的而确定的采取行动的方针、方式和方法.与其它事物一样,数学解题的策略有其内在的规律性,这个规律性表现在解题策略遵循着其策略原则,即熟悉化原则、简单化原则、具体化原则及和谐化原则.掌握好这些原则,将会有利于解题策略的制定.探索、悟透问题的背景实质,琢磨寻求问题与问题之间的联系和发展,对指导解题有相当重要的意义,命题和解题中的观察、联想、类比、划归、变换、赋值、放缩、构造、一般化、特殊化、数形结合等策略,都体现了问题与问题之间的联系,命题着眼于扩大条件与结论之间的距离,力图掩盖条件与问题之间联系的痕迹,命题要从已有的知识结构、解题方法,演绎出新题,而解题则要把问题划归为已有知识、方法有联系的问题,既命题时从简单到复杂的演绎,而解题则是从复杂到简单的过度.结合实例的解题策略解读更易明白、清晰,符合熟悉化、简单化、具体化、和谐化原则的解题策略要求. 关键词 数学解题策略,规律,原则,研究 Abstract Principles, ways and means of mathematical problem solving strategy is determined to take action in order to achieve problem-solving purposes.Like everything else, has its inherent regularity in mathematical problem solving strategies, the performance of this regularity in the problem-solving strategies to follow its policy principle, that is familiar with the principle, the principle of simplification, the specific principles and the principle of harmonization.To master these principles, there will be conducive to the formulation of the problem-solving strategies.Discover, a thorough understanding of the background of the problem in real terms, pondering seek the link between the problems and issues and development, problem solving guidance of considerable importance,Proposition focus on expanding the distance between the conditions and conclusions, trying to cover up the traces of the link between the conditions and problems.Proposition from existing knowledge structure, problem-solving approach to the interpretation of a new title, and problem-solving should be classified as existing knowledge, methods, problems linked to both propositions from simple to complex interpretation, and the



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