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051 如果你依然缺乏自信,你可以假装优秀,用优秀的人的标准衡量自己并且一直假装下去,有一天你会发现你已经是个优秀的人。 Fake it then you can make it! 很多同学被昨天的句子搞晕了吧!不要怕!“确定主干,切分成分,独立成句,调整语序”这个阶段只要能理解正确就可以,翻译是一个更加长期的过程,和参考译文有差距很正常,不用太纠结。 What we today call America folk art was, indeed, art of, by, and for ordinary, everyday “folks” who, with increasing prosperity and leisure, created a market for art of all kinds, and especially for portraits. (句子主干和从句主干) 词汇突破: 1.folk art 民间艺术 2.Folks 老百姓 3.Prosperity 繁荣 4.Leisure闲适 5.Portrait 肖像画 主干识别: What we today call America folk art was art.(what 引导的主语从句) =Something that we today call America folk art was art 其他成分:1.of, by, and for ordinary, everyday “folks”(ordinary修饰folks, everyday状语) 整个是定语修饰art; 注意:of, by and for 是并列关系,接的宾语都是: 2.Who created a market for art of all kinds, and especially for portraits.定语修饰folks. 3.with increasing prosperity and leisure 状语 独立成句: 2. who = folks Folks created a market for art of all kinds, and especially for portraits. 参考译文: 我们今天所谓的美国民间艺术,确实是普通老百姓的艺术( of)、是普通老百姓创造的艺术(by)和为了(for)普通老百姓的艺术。这些百姓在社会日渐繁荣和闲适的情况下创建了一个包含各种类型艺术形式的尤其是肖像画的艺术市场。 今天给大家介绍一个习惯用法: Poster child(典型代表) 例句: Gooding is widely regarded as the poster child for squandering Oscar opportunities. 古丁被誉为浪费奥斯卡奖大好机遇的“典范”。 Poster child就是指“模范人物、典型代表”。 它的原意是指身为慈善团体所赞助对象之一而出现在募捐海报中的孩童,也称为poster boy/girl,例如:poster child for all endangered species(保护濒危物种的代言儿童)。 后来这种用法逐渐引申到其它领域,意思就是“典型代表”。 He was a living poster child for the evil potential of inherited wealth. (他就是受到继承财产负面影响的活生生例子)。 这样的用法在考研中是会出现的,我会尽量帮同学们留意和总结,但是如果在考场上遇到这样的惯用法一定不要从字面含义去理解,而要从上下文中寻找答案。 今天的句子,和从句死磕到底! Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity. 052   Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements,   most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.  


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