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摘 要 随着社会各行各业的迅速发展,根据人类的需求出现了各种各样的智能机器人、智能车。智能小车是一个多种高技术的集成体,它融合了机械、电子、传感器、计算机硬件、软件、人工智能等许多学科的知识,着我国科学技术的进步,智能化和自动化技术越来越普及,各种高科技也广泛应用于制造领域,使智能越来越多样化。Abstract With the rapid development of all sectors of society, based on human needs emergence of a variety of intelligent robots, intelligent vehicles. Smart car, also known as mobile robots, is a multi-tech integrated body, which combines mechanical, electronics, sensors, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence, and many other disciplines of knowledge, accompanied by Chinas scientific and technological progress, intelligent and automation technology is becoming increasingly popular, is also widely used in various high-tech smart car and other manufacturing fields, make the smart car more and more diverse. Depending on the needs of the various functions will appear smart car. The design is based on AT89C52 microcontroller as the core of the intelligent vehicle design, the system mainly consists of infrared detection module, the smallest single-chip system module, motor control module, power module. Wherein the power supply module consists of four 1.5V batteries composed after 7805 5V regulator circuit output stable voltage; infrared detector module includes two infrared reflective of the tube TCRT5000; minimum system module includes AT89C52 microcontroller and its peripheral circuits; motor module includes two DC motors and its subsidiary reducer gearbox and two motor drive control chip L298N. Software part by the C programming language, to achieve the various parts of the processing and control. The smart car can automatically avoid obstacles, obstacle avoidance function. The whole system is simple, efficient operation. Key words: Intelligent car Obstacle avoidance Remote control AT89C52 目 录 目 录 i 前 言 1 1绪论 2 1.1 智能小车的研究现状及发展趋势 2 1.1.1 智能小车的研究现状 2 1.1.2 智能小车的发展趋势 2 1.2 本文的结构 3 2 系统总体方案设计 5 2.1 系统各部分设计方案 5 2.1.1 单片机型号的选定 5 2.1.2 直流电机驱动芯片的选定 6 2.1.3 红外对管的选定 8 2


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