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沈阳市潮粤大酒店暖通空调工程设计 摘 要 本设计为沈阳市潮粤大酒店暖通空调工程设计,沈阳市潮粤大酒店是一栋餐饮、办公、会议厅,客房为一体的酒店建筑。 本建筑共层,主要用途为,同时还有办公功能,地下为地下停车厂。本设计严格按照国家规范、设计手册设计,设计中包含冷热湿负荷的计算、风量计算、设备选型、风管水管阻力计算、通风、防火排烟 Abstract Here is the heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) design for chaoyue hotel of Shen Yang City. Build 13 tiers in total originally, mainly used for the hotel, as well as office functions, the basement room for the underground Tingche Chang and equipment. Designed strictly in accordance with the specifications, design manuals, technical measures design, design load is included in the calculation of hot and cold wet, wind calculation, equipment selection, duct water resistance calculation, the choice of outlet, air flow calculation, ventilation, fire row smoke, chiller plant design and system layout. Combine the characteristics of this building, with a full air and air fan coil air conditioning system forms . Each floor of the hall is a return air all air systems, indoor air levels with square air diffuser means. Layers of the small area of the room with the air fan coil air-conditioned form, use air fan coil system, which is relatively small air volume, air duct, small size, easy layout, installation. Horizontal concealed fan coil is used to double shutter inlet port. The new air shaft from the hole in the wall or the introduction of fresh air, room air by the new focus on the new air supply unit. Chilled water supply from the bottom of the freezer room. Smoke control system in strict accordance with standard design and verification, and the combination of exhaust design, using the same system, toilet, underground garage, underground equipment areas such as mechanical ventilation.. Keywords: air-conditioning air fan coil system, full air system design 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 1 概 况 1 第1章 设计参数的选定及负荷计算 5 1.1设计参数的选定 5 1.1.1冷负荷设计参数 5 1.2冷负荷计算 6 1.2.1计算方法简介 6 1.2.2冷负荷计算 7 1.3湿负荷的确定 9 1.4新风负荷的确定 9 1.4.1新风量计算 9 1.4.2新风负荷的计算 9 第2章 空调方式的确定及水力计算 11 2.1空调方式的确定 11 2.2气流组织 11 2.2.1


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