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目 录 摘要 1 关键词 1 Abstract: 1 Key words: 1 引言 2 1概述 2 1.1 选题背景 2 1.2 研究意义 2 2 切割部分设计 3 2.1 切割部分设计要求 3 2.2 切割部分设计方案 3 2.3 切割部分工作原理 4 2.4 切割部分结构设计 5 2.4.3 带传动设计 5 2.4.4 升降液压缸的设计 8 2.4.5 滚动轴承的选取及校核 12 3 夹紧部分设计 14 3.1 夹紧机构设计要求 14 3.2 夹紧部分方案设计 14 4 纵横行走部分的设计 15 4.1 纵横行走装置设计要求 15 4.2 纵横行走部分方案设计 15 4.3 直线导轨的选择计算 15 4.3.1 选定条件 15 4.3.2 选择方式 15 5 液压传动系统设计 17 5.1液压传动机构 17 5.2 液压传动原理图 17 6 电气控制的设计 18 6.1 电气控制设计要求 18 6.2 电气控制设计方案 18 6.3 可编程控制器PLC控制流程 19 7 结 论 19 附录A—PLC I/O端口分配图 21 附录B—棒料切割机装配图 22 致谢 23 棒料切割机的设计 机械电子专业 学生 韦忠爽 指导教师 闫冰洁 摘要:通过对切割研究采用机电一体化系统设计思想,对其整体造型、机械结构和控制系统进行设计PLC控制 Design of Bar Cutting Machine Student majoring in mechanical and electronic engineering Name Wei Zhongshuang Tutor Yan Bingjie Abstract:Based on the research of the cutting process, this subject adopts mechanical and electrical integration of system design idea, the overall modeling, mechanical structure and control system design, bar stock cutting the mechanical and electrical integration system is mainly composed of four parts: the basic machine, electronic control unit, actuators, and power supply. Working principle is the motor drives the cutting piece of high-speed movement, motor and adopts the hinged support method between the workbench, a falling cylinder can be driven to move up and down push cutting disc blade cutting action completed order, each hydraulic cutting machine adopts PLC control reversing valve electromagnet, implement automatic cutting and blanking bar work and tests. And servo table speed can also be through the clamping manipulator clamping bar to that of the bar speed synchronization. Transverse cutting when the cutting speed can be adjust by hydraulic cylinder. Field operation shows that, the design of the cutting machine is fast, smooth movement, and convenient with computer on line, it can improve the labor intensity of workers, to achieve automatic control, improve labor productivity. Key words:Cutting machine; Mechanical and electrical integration; Hydraul


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