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家里蹲大学 毕 业 设 计 中文题目:杯形件模具设计    English Title: 摘 要 落料拉深冲孔复合模是本次设计的核心内容,设计本模具充分利用了网上资源,图书馆藏书,更重要的是老师的指导和建议,才成就了此模具。 通过此次设计使我不仅掌握了冲压模具设计的一般流程,更好的学习了很多在课本上没有学习的知识,而且对于CAD制图软件更加熟练了,对于毕业后的工作打下了坚实的基础。 关键词 : 冲孔; 拉深; 计算机绘图; 工艺分析 ABSTRACT This design for blanking, deep drawing, punching compound die, the design of the mould made full use of online resources, library books, more important is the teacher's guidance and advice, to made the mould. In the mold design process, first of all, briefly summarizes the characteristics of stamping die and role in the field of social development and its future prospects, points to the mould design; Secondly to analyze the process of workpiece; , in turn, determine the processing plan, calculate the mould work part of the size tolerance, design the parts, and then choose the standard parts according to the design requirements, the final design out of the total mold assembly drawing. Calculated burst pressure is needed in the design process, blanking, deep drawing force and thrust force, discharge power, so as to determine whether the mold parts to withstand the role of the press, more important is the working parts of the mold design, as a core problem, the error of the working parts will directly affect the quality of the parts. Finally to AutoCAD drawing tools to make the assembly drawing and part drawing, and save a lot of time. Through the design that I not only master the general process of stamping die design, better learn a lot on the textbook knowledge, but also for CAD drawing software with more skilled, for after the graduation work laid a solid foundation. Keyword: Blunt bore; Pull deeply; The calculator painting; The craft analysis 目 录 绪论.................................................................. 1 1 工件工艺性分析与计算................................................ 3 1.1工艺分析与计算..............................................


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