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摘要 怎样解决种类繁多的有线电缆所导致的麻烦及问题,创建一个安稳、便捷、安全的环境状态是人们的愿望所在。所以,无线数据传输方式的诞生改变了其传统的技术手段。因其所具有的较低成本、较好的扩展功能、自由的工作条件以及方便接入的优势等,在相关的虚拟产品市场、安全警报系统、传感器无线网络系统等多方面领域都具有十分广阔的前景。 为使其相关的数据在进行传送的过程中能够具有安全可靠的传输性、易于操作、方便其进行运行工作等,可以采用红外信息技术手段。本设计主要以89lpc935单片机为其设计依据,制定出了一个方便易操作的信息写码对策,以此作为其完成了一个简洁的红外数据通信系统的有效方法。辩证的比较其各电路相关模块的设计及原理。最大程度上降低其所产生的误码率,从而使相关的信息在传送过程中能够提高其速率。本系统的设计主要基于控制其单片机的编写、扫描并输入其键盘的行列值、显示其相关的数码管动态运行,将红外数据的通信清晰的展现出来。 本文主要从红外数据通讯的组成原理及其关的解码与编码工作所进行研究,文章主题被分为两大模块来进行讨论,既为接受及发送两部分,并最终参照其相关的信息及标准完成其硬件部分的最后设计。 关键词:数码管;单片机;红外 Abstract How to solve the problem and problem caused by a wide variety of cable cable, creating a safe, convenient, safe environment is peoples desire. So, the birth of the wireless data transmission mode has changed its traditional technology means.. Because of its low cost, good expansion function, free working conditions and the easy access of advantage, in the field of virtual product market, security alarm system, sensor wireless network system in many aspects has very broad prospects. In order to make the data transmitted in the process of transmission, it can be used for safe and reliable transmission, easy operation, and convenient operation. So it can be used for infrared information technology.. This design mainly by single chip computer 89lpc935 as the design basis, to develop a convenient and easy operation of the information written code measures, in order to the completed the effective method of a simple infrared data communication system. The design and principle of the related modules of the circuits are compared and compared.. The maximum degree of error rate is reduced, so that the information can be improved in the transmission process.. The design of this system mainly based on the control of single-chip write, scan and input the ranks of the keyboard value, the related digital tube dynamic display, infrared data communication clear show. This paper mainly from the composition and the working principle of the infrared data communication


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