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摘 要 本系统采用单片机AT89C51为控制核心,将增量型PID控制算法和全数字PWM脉宽调制技术相结合,引入温度差动反馈,构成基于数字控制器的空气温度闭环控制系统,通过对电机输出功率的准确控制,实现了容器中空气温度的精确控制。由于采用闭环控制系统,应用了积分控制和微分控制,所以控制系统几乎没有静差并且动态反应速度快,具有较强的抗干扰能力。 系统采用自热小的薄膜铂电阻温度传感器对容器中空气温度进行监测,形成温度的反馈信号。为了精确处理传感器信号,本系统采用了输出线性度好,转换精度高,抗干扰能力强的Σ-ΔA/D转换芯片AD7710。 在标准PID算法基础上,本设计选择了积分分离PID控制算法,并且根据AT89C51的特点,在数值计算上采取了累计处理的方法,有效抑制了积分饱和,基本消除了积分不灵敏区的影响。 本程序可实性和可再利用性较好,各项被检测结果表明,本系统各项性能、指标达到或略好于设计要求,且人机界面友好。 关键词:单片机;增量型PID;PWM Abstract The system uses single-chip (AT89C51) as the control core, unifies the increase PID control algorithm and the entire digital PWM pulse-duration modulation technology, the temperature difference feedback was introduced, constitutes based on the digital controller air temperature closed-loop control system. Through electrical machinery output power accurate control, we realized the air temperature accuracy control. Because of adopt the closed-loop control system ,apply the integral and differential control, the control system does not have the static difference nearly ,moreover have a fast dynamic response, also has the strong ant jamming ability. The system adopts a smallself-heated film platinum resistance temperature sensor,through measure the air temperature in the vessel, form the temperature feedback signal. In order to process the sensor signal precisely, this system used the good output linearity, the high transformation precision, antjamming ability strong Σ-Δ A/D Transformation chip AD7710。 In the standard PID algorithm foundation, we chose the separate integral PID control algorithm, and according to AT89C51’s characteristic we have adopted the accumulation processing method in the value computation to restrain the integral saturated and eliminate integral dead spot influence basically. The programmer which has a better realization and utilization, various result indicates that the system’s capability and quota achieved the requirement of design and the man-machine contact surface is friendly. Key words: single-c


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