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某危险品工房的防雷设计研究 摘要 雷电是一种常见的大气放电现象,它与人类的生活息息相关,是自然界不可或缺的物理过程。雷电是伴有闪电和雷鸣的一种雄伟壮观而又有点令人生畏的放电现象。雷电一般产生于对流发展旺盛的积雨云中,因此常伴有强烈的阵风和暴雨,有时还伴有冰雹和龙卷风Lightning was a common phenomenon of atmospheric discharge, It was closely related to human life,it was an integral physical process part of nature. Was accompanied by lightning of the thunder and lightning and thunder a spectacular and was a bit daunting discharge phenomenon. Lightning usually generated by convection development exuberant cumulonimbus clouds, so often accompanied by strong wind and heavy rain, sometimes accompanied by hail and tornado. One can imagine the harm. This paper combined with the present situation of the dangerous goods workshops and existing code for the design of lightning protection, understand the workshops lightning protection grade division standard of dangerous goods. For explosion risk workshops for the lightning protection design, Mainly from including a lightning strike, induction thunder and thunder electric wave invasion and design the corresponding lightning protection measures, at the same time combined with a dangerous goods workshops designed the lightning protection device in detail, Such as the lightning rod, wire, lightning rod, and down lead and grounding device and so on has carried on the strict calculation and design. Finally, the management of the lightning protection device was introduced. Key words:Thunder and lightning,Lightning protection,Dangerous goods workshops,Lightning protection design 目录 1.绪论 1 1.1雷电的危害 1 1.2国内外关于雷电防护的研究 1 1.3防雷技术的发展 3 1.4本课题研究的目的和意义 3 2危险品工房的防雷等级划分 5 2.1工房概况 5 2.2工房危险因素分析 5 2.3工房防雷等级的划分 6 2.4第一类防雷建筑物防雷技术要求 6 2.4.1第一类建筑物防直击雷技术要求 6 2.4.2第一类建筑物防感应雷技术要求 7 2.4.3第一类建筑物防雷电波入侵的技术要求 8 3危险品工房直击雷的防护 9 3.1工房平面图 9 3.2工房落雷频率计算 9 3.3危险品工房直击雷的防护设计 12 3.3.1接闪器的设计 12 3.3.2引下线的设计 15 3.3.3接地装置的设计 15 3.4现代的防雷器的发展 16 4危险品工房防雷电电磁感应设计 17 4.1雷电电磁脉冲简介 17 4.2浪涌保护器 18 4.3防感应雷设计 18 4.4防雷电波入侵设计 18 4.5等电位连接设计 19 5防雷装置管理 20 5.1防雷装置的日常检查与维护 20 5.2防雷档案管理 20 5.3防雷装置的检测 21 6结论 22 参考文献 2


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