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华东理工大学 毕业论文 课 题 论电子商务与现代物流的发展 2013年7月 10日至2013年11月 3日共 15 周 教育中心 青浦教育中心 专业年级 1109 工商管理 学号姓名 杨贇 教育中心 主 任 指 导 教 师 张世鹏 2013年 9 月 10 日 摘 要 随着社会经济日新月异的发展,如今的电子商务与物流行业几乎 成为现代社会不可缺少的一部分,已广泛得到人们的重视,电子商务中的任何一 笔交易,都包含信息流、商流、资金流,三者之间存在密切关系。 近几年来,随着电子商务环境的改善以及电子商务所具备的巨大优势,电子商务受到了政府、企业界的高度重视,纷纷以不同的形式介入电子商务活动中,使电子商务在短短的几年中以惊人的速度在发展。本文通过对电子商务和物流的概念及关系的研究,以淘宝物流模式淘宝物流模式 Abstract Along with the development of social economy, e-commerce and logistics industry today almost become an indispensable part of modern society, has been widely get peoples attention, any of e-commerce transactions, contain information flow, business flow, cash flow, there is a close relationship between the three. In recent years, along with the improvement of the electronic commerce environment as well as the electronic commerce has the huge advantage, e-commerce attaches great importance to by the government, business, are involved in e-commerce activities in the form of different, make the electronic commerce in developing at an amazing speed in a few short years. This article through to the concept of e-commerce and logistics and the relationship between research, in taobao logistics mode for reference, study through the Internet, logistics companies can be broader owners take the initiative to find customers, to expand their business nationwide and worldwide; Trading companies and factories can more quickly find the most suitable ratio of logistics company; Online logistics is committed to the largest number of the world have logistics requirements of the owner and provide logistics services logistics companies attract together to provide a neutral, integrity, free online logistics market, help the logistics supply and demand efficient to realize the purpose of the transaction. So as to make the


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