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某医用大楼消防及弱电系统设计 摘要:“消防”作为一门学科,正伴随着现代科学技术的发展进入到高科技综合学科的行列,“以防为主,防消结合”,是一个工程技术员必须遵循执行的。 本工程为绵阳市中医院灾后重建项目急诊综合楼工程,包括急诊,门诊,体检,住院,办公和食堂。该医用大楼为20层,高86.65m,总建筑面积为18569.8m2,属于一类高层建筑物。地下室为两层主要管理及设备用房。由于该医院层数多,高度过高,结构复杂,用电设备多,负荷大,人口比较集中,一旦发生火灾,火灾蔓延快,疏散困难,扑救难度大,所以必须配置一套完善的消防系统。 消防系统包括三大主要部分:火灾自动报警系统、灭火自动控制系统、避难诱导系统。弱电系统包括有线电视系统、通信系统、楼宇对讲系统、消防系统。显然,本设计采用控制中心报警系统,控制器采用两线制。同时在考虑接线方式的简单、安全、可靠,选材必须要防火耐燃,具有应急电源,且从电源端至负荷端的消防用电设备的供电系统与非消防设备供电系统截然分开。 关键词:消防系统;火灾自动报警系统;弱电系统;供电系统; Design of a medical building fire-fighting and weak electricity system Abstract: fire as a subject, is accompanied by the development of modern science and technology into high-tech comprehensive discipline ranks, giving priority to prevention, combining prevention with elimination, is an engineering technician must follow. This project is a comprehensive building engineering emergency reconstruction projects after disaster, Mianyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, including emergency, outpatient, medical, hospital, office and dining room. The medical building is 20 stories high, 86.65meter, for a total construction area of 18569.8 square meter, belongs to a class of high-rise buildings. The basement for the room with two layers of management and equipment. Because the hospital number, too high, complex structure, electrical equipments, large load, population is relatively concentrated, once the fire, the fire spread fast, difficult evacuation, rescue difficult, you must configure a set of perfect fire control system. Fire protection system consists of three main parts: automatic alarm system, fire automatic control system, fire evacuation guidance system. Weak current system includes a cable TV system, communication system, building intercom systems, fire systems. Obviously, this design uses the control center alarm system, the controller with two wire system. At the same time, considering the connection mode is simple, safe, reliable, selection must be flame resistance, with e


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