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换热网络的流程优化模拟 1 高 维 平 杨 莹 (吉林化工学院化学工程系,吉林市 132022) 摘要:换热网络的流程优化模拟是在冷热物流进入换热网络的温度、流量已定,换热网络中各换热单元的换 热器都确定的条件下,求解冷热物流进出各换热器的温度、热负荷、传热状况; 如果换热网络中有物流分流, 就要优化各股分流物流的流量以使整个换热网络回收最大的热量,这样就使换热网络的流程模拟问题变成了 一个非线性规划问题(NLP),因此整个求解过程非常复杂。本文建立了由换热器、分流器和混合器构成的具 有物流分流的换热网络的流程优化模拟系统。应用复合形 BOX 方法并对其改进用于换热网络中有分流物流的 流量优化,达到热回收量最大,为换热网络的离线或在线优化控制提供最佳技术支撑,经过实例优化模拟计算, 取得了令人满意的结果。 关键词:换热网络; 模拟; 优化; 节能 The Optimal Simulation of Heat Exchange Networks GAO Weiping, YANG Ying (Department of Chemical Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin 132022, China) Abstract: An optimal process simulation of heat exchanger networks (HENs) is that the temperatures, pressures and heat transfer situations are solved under known temperatures, pressures, flow rates of inlet streams and structures of heat exchangers in HEN. If the streams have branches, the flow rate of every branch is optimized in order to recover the maximum heat, and the optimal simulation of HEN becomes a non-linear programming problem (NLP). The solving process of the NLP for HEN is very complex. The paper establishes an optimal simulation system of HEN composed of exchangers, splitters and mixers. The complex BOX method is improved and applied to optimize flow rate of every branch stream in order to recovery maximum heat energy of a heat exchange network with a certain structure. It can apply optimum technology support to out-line or on-line optimal control of heat exchange networks. The method is tested through some practical optimal simulation and results are satisfactory. Key words: heat exchange network; simulation; optimize; energy saving 收稿日期:2006-08-15 作者简介:高维平,男,46 岁,博士,教授,吉林省科技项目,Email: gwp@public.jl.jl.cn 。



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