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2.3 Intermediate step Regarding the GPSR protocol, the best neighbor node is the nearest node to the destination. We modify this rule in GPSR and add a restriction for selecting the best neighbors based on the list of private keys. 2.3中间步骤 对于GPSR协议来说,最佳邻居节点是到目的地的最近的节点。我们在GPSR协议中修改这个规则,并且基于私人密钥列表对选择最佳的邻居节点添加一个限制。 In other words, when node A finds the best neighbor B from its neighborhood table, the list of private keys of node A needs to be compared with the list of private keys of node B. Then, node B is selected as a next node if and only if at least one private key of node A and B is selected from the same matrix. If they have no similar matrices, node B is eliminated from the neighborhood table and this phase repeats again to find the best neighborhoods. 换句话说,当节点A从它的邻居节点表中找到最好的邻居节点B时,A节点的私钥列表需要和B节点的私钥列表进行比对。 然后,节点B将会被选择作为下一跳节点当且仅当节点A和B的至少一个私钥是选自同一矩阵。 如果节点A和节点B没有相似的矩阵,那么节点B将从节点A的邻居节点列表中移除,这个相位会继续重复以找到节点A最好的邻居节点。 where the list of private keys of node B is PrB and PrA is the list of private keys of node A. 2.3.1 Shared key generation phase When the best neighbor is selected, the node needs a shared key to communicate with its neighbors securely. The shared key is created for each pair of two nodes that have a private key from the same matrix Pi. For example, if nodes i and j have a key form matrix P1, the shared key can be calculated by: 2.3.1共享密钥生成阶段 当最好的邻居节点被选中时,该节点需要一个共享的密钥来安全地与它的邻居节点进行通信。 对于每一对拥有来自同一矩阵Pi的私有密钥的两个节点,共享密钥都会被创建。 例如,如果节点i和节点j有一个来自矩阵P1的密钥,那么节点i和节点j之间的共享密钥可以通过下式进行计算: 11月9日翻译至此 We have mentioned it earlier that Pr is symmetric matrix, 我们已经提到过它公关是对称矩阵, Then, the result of P1 _ kP is a symmetric matrix with size N × N in which SKij = SKji is the shared key between nodes i and j. 然后,结果是一个大小为N × N的对称矩阵,在这个矩阵中,并且它们是节点i和节点j之间的共享密钥。 After generating the shared secret key, the packet and the selected index are sent to the best neighbor by using the shared key. 当产生共享密钥后,数据包和选定的索引通过使用共享密钥被送到最好的邻居节点


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