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目 录 柴油机喷油泵排放Diesel Fuel Injection……………………………………………………………27 中文翻译—柴油机燃油喷射柴油机喷油泵1缸柱塞开始供油时到该缸活塞行至上止点时曲轴转动的角度。供油提前角过大或过小都会影响发动机的工作性能。过大或过小会造成喷油泵喷油时间过早或过晚:喷油时间过早则燃油燃烧不充分,过晚则会冒白烟,燃油也会燃烧不充分,这就使燃烧过程不是处于最佳状态。汽车行驶一定里程或在维修中喷油泵检修后经过调试重新安装时,必须检查与调整供油正时,以保证柴油机经常在最佳或接近最佳供油提前角情况下工作。 关键词:柴油机Abstract:The fuel injection pump is an important part of the diesel engine. Its function on the diesel engine is to compress the low pressure fuel into the high pressure one according to the working order of the diesel engine, and atomize the fuel through the injector with a given time and amount into the combustion chamber for burning. And it can automatically control and adjust the fuel amount based on the operator抯 requirements and the working load change of the diesel engine. Therefore, the work performance of the diesel engine will depend to a large extent on whether the pump can regularly work or not. The advanced angle for the oil supply timing is referred to the one that the crankshaft rotates from the time when the piston in the cylinder 1 of oil injection pump begins to eject oil to the one when the piston moves to the TDP. Too big or too small advanced angle for the oil supply can affect the work performance of engine. That will cause too early or too late oil injection time : too early oil injection will lead to not combust amfully. Too late oil injection will bring smoke and make fuel not combust amfully. These make combustion not to be the best state. The fuel supply timing must be check and adjust when the fuel injection pump is installed after being check and adjust when the vehicle run for a few miles or is in the repair. It can ensure diesel engine to work in the best or almost best fuel supply advanced angle. Keywords:Diesel engine fuel injection pump injector timing mark advanced angle for the oil supply 概述 1.1 柴油机现状简介 笨重、噪音大、喷黑烟,令许多人对柴油机的直观印象不佳,加上柴油机的构造比较复杂,不少人对柴油机缺乏了解,尤其对现代先进的柴油机缺乏了解,因此柴油机汽车在一些城市成了“被限制的对象”,受到种种歧视。其实经过多年的研究和新技术应用,现代柴油机的现状已与往日不可同喻。现代先进的汽车柴油机一


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