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第二节 常见的译词法 (一)推演法—— 根据英语词典的原文解释推演出汉语词义。如: Equilateral (adj.): having all sides or faces equal; detente(n.) : a relaxation of strained relations or tensions(as between nations) community: a social group or class having common interests. business community legal community academic community diplomatic community Turkish community foreign community the indigenous community Sarah community Shia community (二)移植法------ 即直译法。如: microwave 微波 right-wing 右翼 outparty 在野党 petroldollar石油美元 (三)引申法------- 为适应译文表意或行文的需要,对原文词义进行延续或扩展。 A类:词义从具体引向抽象,从特殊引向一般,从局部引向概括,从实引向虚。 There were times when emigration bottleneck was extremely rigid and nobody was allowed to leave the country out of his personal preference. Bottleneck 的原义是“瓶颈、交通狭口”,引申为“限制”;Preference的原义是“偏爱”,引申为“考虑”。 译为:过去有过这种情况:移民限制极为严格,不许任何人出于个人考虑而迁居他国。 Brain drain has been Egypt’s Number One concern, as a matter of fact it has become an epidemic in that area of the world. Brain的原义是“头脑”,引申为“人才”; concern的原义是“关心的事”,引申为“问题”。Epidemic的原义是“流行病”,引申为“很普遍的严重问题”。 译为:人才外流不仅是埃及的首要问题,而且是世界那一地区很普遍的严重问题。 Their life style could seem Spartan to a city family with their assets. Spartan 指“古希腊斯巴达人的”,引申为“严朴”。 译为:他们的生活方式对城市里的殷实人家来说,似乎过于严朴。 Now you can meet good Samaritans again, here, there and everywhere. Samaritans源出《圣经》,指乐善好施者,引申为“乐于助人者”。 译为:现在你又可以处处见到乐于助人的人了。 B类:词义从抽象引向具体,从一般引向特殊,从概括引向局部,从虚引向实。 (1)When we go on a Sunday outing, it is to do Musee du Louvre. Do 被引申为“逛”,从一般引向特殊。译文:如果星期天出门,我们就逛罗浮宫。 (2)The Democratic Party is the party of longest continuous existence. Existence(存在)引申为“党史”。 译文:民主党则是党史最长、其间又从未中断过的一个政党。 (3)Saudi Arabia has had problems with Iraq and South Yemen, but he tried hard to remain in touch with leaders of both states. Problems(问题)引申为“纠葛”。 译文:沙特阿拉伯与伊拉克和南也门之间早有纠葛,但他仍竭尽全力与两国领导人保持接触。 (4)He is a valuable acquisition to the team. Acquisition(获得、获得物)。译文:他是该球队不可多得的新队员。 (5)There is more to their life


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