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Networked Applications: Sockets COS 461: Computer Networks Jennifer Rexford Goals of Today’s Lecture Client-server paradigm End systems Clients and servers Sockets Socket abstraction Socket programming in UNIX File-Transfer Protocol (FTP) Uploading and downloading files Separate control and data connections End System: Computer on the ‘Net Clients and Servers Client program Running on end host Requests service E.g., Web browser Server program Running on end host Provides service E.g., Web server Clients Are Not Necessarily Human Example: Web crawler (or spider) Automated client program Tries to discover download many Web pages Forms the basis of search engines like Google Spider client Start with a base list of popular Web sites Download the Web pages Parse the HTML files to extract hypertext links Download these Web pages, too And repeat, and repeat, and repeat… Client-Server Communication Client “sometimes on” Initiates a request to the server when interested E.g., Web browser on your laptop or cell phone Doesn’t communicate directly with other clients Needs to know the server’s address Server is “always on” Services requests from many client hosts E.g., Web server for the Web site Doesn’t initiate contact with the clients Needs a fixed, well-known address Peer-to-Peer Communication No always-on server at the center of it all Hosts can come and go, and change addresses Hosts may have a different address each time Example: peer-to-peer file sharing Any host can request files, send files, query to find where a file is located, respond to queries, and forward queries Scalability by harnessing millions of peers Each peer acting as both a client and server Client and Server Processes Program vs. process Program: collection of code Process: a running program on a host Communication between processes Same end host: inter-process communication Governed by the operating system on the end host Different end hosts: exchanging messages Governed by the network protocols



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