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VI4 - Mod 2-4 - Slide Enhanced vMotion Compatibility Product Support Engineering Module 2 Lessons Lesson 1 – vCenter Server High Availability Lesson 2 – vCenter Server Distributed Resource Scheduler Lesson 3 – Fault Tolerance Virtual Machines Lesson 4 – Enhanced vMotion Compatibility Lesson 5 – DPM - IPMI Lesson 6 – vApps Lesson 7 – Host Profiles Lesson 8 – Reliability, Availability, Serviceability ( RAS ) Lesson 9 – Web Access Lesson 10 – vCenter Server Update Manager Lesson 11 – Guided Consolidation Lesson 12 – Health Status Module 2-4 Lessons Lesson 1 – Overview of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility Lesson 2 – Compatibility Matrix Lesson 3 – EVC Baselines Lesson 4 – Requirements for EVC Lesson 5 – Enabling EVC on a Cluster Lesson 6 – Troubleshooting EVC Enhanced VMotion Compatibility Introduction VMotion is not always possible across CPU generations. Each new CPU generation introduces new features. A VM may crash if the CPU features underneath it change . Customers often ask about VMotion compatibility. “I have a cluster of Dell 1950 servers and want to add new IBM x3550 servers to the cluster. Are they VMotion compatible?” “Is AMD Barcelona compatible with AMD Rev. F?” Customers forced to become experts in CPU features. KB articles 1991, 1992, 1993. Requires manual masking of CPUID features. Complex, poorly understood, error prone, unsupported. OEM VMotion Compatibility Matrix VMware CPU Compatibility Matrix Old CPU Compatibility Groups (Intel Core) Old CPU Compatibility Groups (AMD K8) Enhanced VMotion Compatibility (EVC) EVC allows vCenter to enforce VMotion compatibility between all hosts in a cluster by forcing hosts to expose a common set of CPU features (baseline) to Virtual Machines. EVC automatically configures servers whose CPUs feature Intel FlexMigration and AMD-V Extended Migration technologies to be VMotion-compatible with servers that use older CPUs. EVC ensures that all hosts in a cluster present the same CPU feature set to Virtual Machines, e



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