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1. I appreciate the beauty of ghost signs more when I like the signs, am alone. A. NO CHANGE B. I, like, the signs C. I, like the signs, D. I like, the signs, 2. Forten also knew that if released at the war’s end or as part of an exchange, he, a free black man, might be captured and sold into slavery as he journeyed home to Philadelphia. A. NO CHANGE B. exchange: C. exchange—he D. exchange. He 3. Orion appears as a hunter who, in some mythologies, is fighting Taurus the Bull, another constellation. A. NO CHANGE B. hunter, who in some mythologies, C. hunter who, in some mythologies D. hunter who in, some he as mythologies, 4. The nebula, is home to thousands of young stars, is often called a galactic “nursery”. A. NO CHANGE B. nebula is home to thousands of young stars, and C. nebula, home to thousands of young stars, and D. nebula, home to thousands of young stars, 5. But his subject he says is color. A. NO CHANGE B. But his subject, he says C. But, his subject, he says D. But his subject, he says 6.The theremin, the first electronic musical instrument, was invented by Russian physicist, Leon Theremin. A. NO CHANGE B. physicist C. physicist— D. physicist: 7. Despite her achievements though she felt the Iditarod might be too dangerous for her. A. NO CHANGE B. achievements, though, she C. achievements, though she D. achievements though she, 8.When my parents were both professional photographers, gave me a camera for my tenth birthday, I immediately expected to shoot the same kinds of stunning photos that decorated the wall of my home. A. NO CHANGE B. parents who were C. parents, were D. parents, 9. When U.S. astronaut, Sunita Williams, left for her six-month stay at the International Space Station (ISS) in December 2006, the United States was not the only country tracking



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