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M ar . 2006 T ransactio ns o f N anjing U niver sity of A ero naut ics A st ro na ut ics V ol. 23 N o . 1 HEURISTIC PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM FOR AIR COMBAT DECISION-MAKING ON CMTA 1 1 2 1  1 ( 1. Co llege o f A ut omation Engineer ing , N U A A , 29 Y udao St reet , N anjing , 210016, P . R . China; 2. Scho ol of A uto matio n Science and Electr ical Eng ineering , Beijing U niver sity of A ero nautics and A stro naut ics, Beijing , 100083, P. R. China) Abstract: Combining the heurist ic algo rit hm ( HA ) developed ba sed on the specific know ledg e of t he co operat ive mult iple tar g et a ttack ( CM T A ) tactics and the par ticle sw ar m o pt imization ( PSO ) , a heurist ic par ticle sw arm op- timizat ion ( HPSO ) a lg or ithm is pro po sed t o so lv e the decisio n-making ( DM ) pr oblem. HA facilitates t o sear ch the local optimum in the neighbor hoo d o f a solutio n , w hile the PSO algo rithm tends to ex plo re the search space for possible solutio ns. Co mbining t he advantag es of HA and P SO , HP SO algo r ithms can find out the global o pti- mum quickly and efficient ly . It obtains the DM so lutio n by seeking fo r the o ptimal assignment of missiles of fr iendly fighter air craft s ( F A s) t o ho stile F A s. Simulation results sho w that the pr oposed algo rithm is super io r to the g ener al PSO alg or ithm and tw o G A -based algo rithms in sear ching fo r t he best solutio n to the DM pr oblem . Key words : air combat decision-m aking; co operat ive multiple targ et att ack; par ticle swar m optimizatio n; heur is- tic algo rithm CLC number: V 247; E 837   Document code: A   Article ID : 1005-1120( 2006) 01-0020-07 INTRODUCTION T he coo perat iv e mult iple tar get at t ack ( CM- T A ) is an air com bat t act ics in w hich t w o o r mor e fig ht er aircraf t s ( FAs ) coo perat e t o at t ack mult i- ple scatt ered airborne t arget s ( h


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