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摘 要近几年来随着移动用户的持续增长, Ad hoc网络越来越多的受到人们的关Ad hoc网络具有自组织,多跳,无中心特性。具有无线通讯设备的自治节点不需要固定的设备就能组网。网络中的每个节点既可以是主机也可以是路由器。 Ad hoc网络的拓扑结构是不断变化的,同时移动节点有能量和传播范围等限制。传统的路由协议已无法满足它的要求。更适合移动节点特性的路由协议不断的被讨论。研究AODV路由协议的基本原理,包括协议帧的类型,协议的路由建立过程和维护操作。并研究了现实环境中实现协议所需做的改进。然后研究了IETF在研究Ad hoc网络时所使用的AODV协议在Linux下的协议实现。本文重点分析AODV的软件模块和包处理方式。接着研究网络模拟器ns-2无线模拟核心移动节点的配置,模拟场景的设置,以及模拟输出trace文件的格式分析。最后用ns-2对AODV分别从分组投递率,端到端的平均延迟和路由开销这三方面进行了对比性能分析,通过结果可以看出AODV的性能如何。关键词: Ad hoc网络;AODV;ns-2仿真Abstractduring recent years, with the mobility of users continues to increase, mobile Ad hocNetwork has being gained tnaxe anu moxe attention. Ad hoc network is self-built,multi-hop, distributed. Autonomous nodes with wireless communication equipment form a network without any pre-existing infrastructure. each node in Ad hoc network can beused as routcr as well as a node. Ad hoc network topology is constantly changing. Traditional rooting protocols have been unable to meet its requirements.Routing pxatacal which is more suitable for Characteristics of mobile node continuously been discussed, the most popular one is an-demand routing protocol. The Follornrmg are the main contents of this paper.The basic principles of AODV is intradured In this thesis fustly, including the typeof protocol rnessage, the process of establishing and the operation of maintenance and therecluirernenE of improvement in real-world environanent tv implement the protocol. AODV is a Linux implementation protocol. Public The software modules divide into non-kernel and kennel-related.Similarly, packets divide into control packets arid data packets. Mobile node which is the cure part of network simulator ns-2 in wireless simulationis presented then. Followed by simulation scenario settings and the format analyse oftrace file. Finally using ns-2 to separately simulate AODV from packet delivery rate, average end to end delay and route overhead, andcorrclude that AODV.Key words: Ad hoc network ; AODV ; ns-2 simntatian目 录1 引 言11.1 综述11.1.1 Ad hoc网络的


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