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Insulation and fire-rated panel 隔 熱 防 火 板 stablished in 2005 and headquartered in Hong Kong, Fi-Protech 保得控股有限公司於2005年成立,總部設於香 EHoldings Limited is specialized in the research and development of 火港。公司的業務專注科研及開發新一代的防火材 innovative fire protection building materials and technology. 料與技術。 Supported by a competent team of international experts in fire   火保得的科研團隊實力雄厚,成員包括國內及海 protection and insulation industry, the introduction of Fi-Protech Insulation 外國際級的專家,對防火工業擁有長久和豐富的經 Fire-Rated Panel has positioned Fi-Protech Holdings Limited in the 驗。自火保得隔熱防火板的面世,已獲國際防火工程 spot light of international arena which is praised by leading consultants, 業界推祟為創新產品。 engineers and specialist contractors engaging in the building industry.   位於中國常州市的常州火保得防火板材有限公司 Changzhou Fi-Protech Building Materials Company Limited, wholly- 的母公司為香港火保得控股有限公司,主營以「火保 owned by Fi-Protech Holdings Ltd, is the center of research and 得」為品牌生產和加工蛭石防火板材。生產基地位於 development as well as the manufacturing base for Fi-Protech products. 中國江蘇省常州市武進高新技術開發區,佔地面積超 Located in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Mainland China, the center 過20,000平方米,設4條自動化蛭石板生產線,年產量 covers a land area in excess of 20,000 square meters. Equipped with 可達1,000,000平方米。 four fully automatic production lines, the plant is capable of producing   香港火保得控股有限公司在研發和生產的龐大投 1,000,000 square meters of Fi-Protech panels annually. 資,實現了火保得集團決心建立一個強大、可持續性 The state-of-the-art facility represents a major investment by the parent 發展的防火材料工業長遠策略,為社會建造一個安全 company for long term commitment in the fire protection and insulation 的生活和工作環境。 industry. i-Protech panels are made from vermicul



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