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09翻译(下)第十九讲 Translation of literature description of scenery (1) In this period we’ll focus on the translation of literature. As we know, material for literary and art work can be described as facts and fiction. In the translation of non-literature we translate literally as “tree” “desk” into Chinese “树” “椅子”. However in the translation of literature we should translate the material with many rhetoric ways such as imagination, association. As for the major types of literature it can be four styles: poetry, prose, novel and drama. Teaching procedure: A. Translating the passage A Londoner’s Holiday (伦敦人度假) Bold adventure – 一番壮举 Excursion train ---游览列车 Accordingly ---- So; consequently. 因此,于是;所以 The journey down was uncomfortable enough in consequence of the heat and dust, but we heeded neither one nor the other in the hope of seeing the sea. 由于天气炎热,尘土飞扬,一路上并不舒服,但我们对此并不在意,一心盼着看大海。 in consequence of --- 由于的...缘故 1. In consequence of his bad conduct he was dismissed. 由于行为不良,他被开除了。 2. In consequence of its rise in temperature the gas expands. 由于温度升高,气体膨胀了。 3. Commerce is paralyzed in consequence of severe earthquake. 由于严重的地震,商业瘫痪了。 4. In consequence of heating, the length of the iron bar increased. 由于受热,铁棒的长度增加了。 heed---pay close attention to We must heed the correct views and act upon them. 我们必须倾听正确意见并照着办。 Stroll -- 漫步, 闲逛, 四处流浪 Exquisite--优美的, 高雅的 Our pleasure was exquisite .Who can tell, save imprisoned Londoner the joy of walking on the clean sea-sand! 此行之乐,可谓妙极。漫步在清洁的沙滩上—此中的快乐,除了久伏不出伦敦蛰居者外,又有谁知! 评析:译文用反问句加惊叹号,保持与原句风格一样。 书上参考译文P201“清浅” 应为“清洁”, clean 在这里只能是“清洁”的意思 What a delight that was, to say nothing of the beauty of the scenery! to say nothing of--更不用说 To be free of the litter and filth of London suburb, of its broken hedges, 树篱its brickbats, 碎砖its torn advertisements, its worn and trampled grass in fields half given over to speculative投机的builder; in place of this, to tread the immaculate完美的 shore over which breathed a wind not charged with


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