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精密鑄造陶殼模乾燥研究 精密鑄造陶殼模乾燥研究 莊勝傑?林祐任?謝杰廷?楊國和 高雄應用科技大學模具工程系 Study on the Drying for the Investment Casting Ceramic Shell Mold By Sheng-Jie Chuang, You-Ren Lin, Jay-Ting Hsieh, Koho Yang Department of Mold and Die Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences 摘 要 本研究藉由重量法及電阻法測得第一層至第五層間各層陶殼模試片之乾燥時間分別 為:1hr 、1.5hr 、3hr 、4hr 及 8hr ,乾燥後量測其破斷強度以探討乾燥時間對陶殼模強度的 影響。結果得知:陶殼模封漿後,濕態破斷強度隨乾燥時間增加而升高,超過 20hr 後則有 下降趨勢。至於乾態破斷強度則與乾燥時間的長短,差異不明顯。 關鍵詞:精密鑄造、陶殼模乾燥、破斷強度 ABSTRACT In this study, both weighing and electric resistant method were applied to measure the drying time from the first layer to the fifth layer of the ceramic shell mold. The drying times for each layer were as follows: 1hr 、1.5hr、3hr 、4hr and 8hr respectively. The effect of drying time on the strength of the ceramic shell mold was studied while the ceramic shell mold were dried and MOR were measured. The results showed: After the final dipping, the green MORs of the ceramic shell molds were increased with the increase of the drying time, but decreased after 20hr drying. As to the hot MOR, the results showed no clear variation with the drying time. Key words: investment casting, drying for ceramic shell mold, modulus of rupture 收稿:96 年 01 月 05 日 初審:96 年 06 月 08 日 複審:96 年 08 月 02 日 -1- 鑄造工程學刊 第 33 卷 第 4 期(第 135 期) 民國 96 年 12 月 (4)(5)採用鎳鉻電極片,利用水分導電方式測得 一、前 言


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