ppt for the words in passage B%2c unit 2.ppt

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exceptional: a. 1) usually good, outstanding He has an exceptional memory, and it’s said that he can memorize 500 new words per day. 这个人记忆非凡,据说他每天能熟记500个词。 2) unusual and not likely to happen often This is an exceptional case; I’ve never seen anything like it before. 这是个特例,以前我从来没见过。 表现出非凡的音乐才能 show exceptional musical ability be gifted with: having a natural ability to do sth. well 他天生具有非凡的记忆力。 He is gifted with an exceptional memory. gifted at singing, writing gifted in art, music a gifted artist / pianist 有天赋的艺术家 / 钢琴家 tickle: 1) v. feel or give a sensation that makes you want to scratch/rub 发痒 This blanket tickles. 毯子扎得我痒痒. 我的脚发痒。 My foot tickles / is tickling. 2) vt. delight or amuse; please (sb’s vanity, sense of humor) I was highly tickled by the idea. 这个主意让我高兴极了. 这个故事满足了她的好奇心。 The story tickled her curiosity. underlie: (underlay/ underlain/ underlying) 1) lie or exist beneath (sth) the underlying rock 处于下层的岩石 2) no passive (fig): form the basis of sb’s actions, a theory, etc; account for 构成…的潜在原因;潜存于…之下 I think a lack of confidence underlies his aggressive manner. 我认为他表现出咄咄逼人的态度是因为他缺乏信心。 The underlying message of the report was quite optimistic. run through: be present in every part of (sth) With the war raging, fear ran through the whole country. 在战争的硝烟中,全国一片恐慌。 A feeling of sadness runs through his poetry. 他的诗充满忧伤之情。 fade: vi. disappear gradually; lose brightness, color, strength, freshness, etc. The sound of the cheering faded (away) in the distance. 欢呼声在远处逐渐消失。 Flowers soon fade when cut. 花摘下不久就凋谢。 Will the colour in this material fade? knock out: 1) (of a drug) make (sb) go to sleep The tablets knocked her out for several hours. 药片使她睡了几个小时. 2) overwhelm or astonish sb 使某人经受不了或极为震惊 The film just knocked me out --- It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen. 好得不得了 3) knock sb out (of sth): eliminate sb (from a competition) by defeating him 淘汰某人 France knocked Belgium out of the European Cup. opaque: a. 1) not able


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