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Nancy my e--friend Beijing the capital of China Beijing is famous all over the world because it has many famous attractions. Let’s see what they are. the Palace Museum Tian’anmen Square the Summer Palace the Great Wall (向往的地方) the Forbidden City The Forbidden City 1.Where is the Forbidden City? ____________________ 2.Who used to live there? ________________ in the middle of… The emperors of…used to… There is a boat in the middle of the river. in the middle of “在……中间” 训练反馈 河的中间有一条小船。 The Forbidden City 3.What was it turned into in 1925? _____________________ be turned into… 4.Why do so many people like visiting the Palace Museum ? 中考链接【2013天津】 There are wonderful buildings and art treasures inside the Palace Museum. It is well worth a visit.(合并为一句) ______ wonderful buildings and art treasures inside ,it is well worth ______ . With visiting Because there are wonderful buildings and art treasures inside. Tian’anmen Square 1. Is Tian’anmen Square the biggest square in the world? _______________ 2. Why do tourists gather on Tian’anmen Square early in the morning? _________________________________ Back to Beijing Yes, it is. To watch the raising of the national flag. raise v. 举起;升起;提高;饲养 raise one’s hand 举手 raise the national flag 升国旗 raise the price 提高价格 raise one’s voice 提高嗓音 raise a family 养家糊口 raise money for sb. 募集钱给某人 Tian’anmen Square Back to Beijing 辨析:raise/ rise(work in groups) raise 是及物动词,主要说明主语发出的动作作用于其他事物。 rise 是不及物动词,意为‘升起,起身,起床’说明自身移向较高的位置。 中考链接【2013盐城】 Those who want to say something more ___your hands and ___ to speak. rise; raise B. raise; rise C. rise; rise D. raise; raise The Summer Palace location in the _________ of Beijing, a large Chinese ______ set in a _



