Astronomy the science of the stars教学课件.pptVIP

Astronomy the science of the stars教学课件.ppt

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Astronomy the science of the stars教学课件

温馨提示: 句型(3)中的相应各问指 长、宽、高、深、重、大小等形容词的相应名词。 如:long—length,wide—width,high—height,deep—depth,weighty—weight,large—size.例如: I,ll pay back twice the amount what I borrow from you.我将还给你我所借你钱的两倍。 ◆即学即练 A.将下列句子译成英语。 (1)地球大概是月亮的四十九倍。 ___________________________________  (2)线段A是线段B的两倍。 ___________________________________ 答案: (1)The earth is about 49 times bigger than the moon. The earth is about 49 times as big as the moon. The earth is about 49 times the size of the moon. (2)Line A is twice as long as Line B. Line A is twice the length of Line B. ◆词语拓展 as far as远达,远至 as long as长达(还有 “只要”的意思) as many as多达 as tall as高达 as deep as深达 as heavy as重达 as/so far as I,m concerned就我而言 as/so far as I know据我所知 ◆即学即练 B.选用上述词组完成句子。 (1)John is the tallest boy in the class,_____________ five foot eight according to himself. (2)After supper she would sit down by the fire,sometimes for _____________an hour,thinking of her young and happy days. (3)—How far apart do they live? —_____________,they live in the same neighbourhood. (4)_____________I know the money is safe,I shall not worry about it. (5)_____________,you can do whatever you like. 答案:B.(1)as tall as (2)as long as (3)As far as I know(4)As long as (5)As far as I,m concerned 5.I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship.(P30) 我高兴起来,由于失重,我在太空船舱里飘来飘去。 注意下列句中cheer的意思。 (1)The good news cheered the family.(使高兴,欢呼,为……喝彩) (2)See you tomorrow,then cheers.(〈口语〉谢谢,干杯,再见) ◆短语归纳 cheer up 高兴起来,振奋起来 cheer sb. up (使)充满欢喜、希望、鼓舞 (1)Let,s go to the playground and cheer for our players. 咱们去操场为我们的队员加油吧。 (2)Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over! 振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去的。 写作步步高 如何写好名词性从句(2) 名词性从句中有一个问题需特别注意:it做形式主语,it做形式宾语。 it做形式主语的常用句型: It is+形容词+that... It is+过去分词+that...如: It matters/doesn,t matter + that/whether... 例:It(形式主语) is(系动词) necessary(表语) that you inform him of the date of the meeting at once(真主语(从句)). It(形式主语)was said(谓语) that he used to be manager of a b



