U.S. Opera Fans.pptx

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U.S. Opera Fans

American TV series Leonard and Sheldon are brilliant physicists, the kind of “beautiful minds” that understand how the universe works. But none of that genius helps them interact(交流) with people, especially women. All this begins to change when a free-spirited beauty named Penny moves in next door. … Dr.?David?Underhill:?Im?a?physicist. ?Penny:?No,?youre?not. Dr.?David?Underhill:?How?do?you?figure?that? Penny:?Well,?Its?just?that?all?the?physicists?I?know?are? indoorsy?and?pale.? ??Indoorsman:A person who spends considerable time in indoor pursuits, such as computer, sleeping and watching sports on television. Name: Leonard Leakey Occupation: Experimental physicist. IQ: 173. Leonard is an experimental physicist at Caltech. He shares an apartment with Sheldon Cooper. While Leonard, along with the other geeks(令人厌恶的人), is somewhat socially inept(没有技能), Leonard would like to be better accepted outside of his geeky social group. Leonard is more well-adjusted than his companions, being more willing to try different things. Name: Dr. Sheldon Cooper Occupation: Theoretical physicist. IQ: 187. Sheldon is the uber-geek, he started college at the age of 11, receiving his first PhD at 16,and he conducts string theory research at Caltech. He shares an apartment with Leonard. While he might claim to be the perfect human specimen, Sheldon does have his faults. He lacks empathy, is unable to discern sarcasm(觉察出讽刺) ,doesn’t like change, and has an inflated ego(过高的自我评价). He does not understand social norms, and makes little attempt to do so. 2011?Emmy?Nominees? Winners Outstanding?Lead?Actor?in ?A?Comedy?Series  ?Jim?Parsons?as?Sheldon The?Big?Bang?Theory. Sheldon: Why are you crying? Penny: Because Im stupid! Sheldon: Thats no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad. Scissors?cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock?smashes


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