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ZIF材料表面具有疏水性 100 mL DMF ( 99.8%, Arcos) was added to a solid mixture of 0.302 g Zn(NO3)2?6H2O ( 99%, Aldrich) and 0.769 g benzimidazole ( 99%, Aldrich) with stirring (molar composition of the synthesis solution: Zn2+/bim/DMF = 0.154:1:200). After the reaction mixture had been kept at room temperature for 48h, the product was separated using a centrifuge, and then washed with DMF. In a typical synthesis ,0.2 g PEI (50 wt % in water, Aldrich) was dissolved in 4 mL NaHCO3 solution (50 mm), and then 0.18 g of the as-synthesized ZIF-7 nanocrystals was added to the mixture, which was then treated under ultrasonic conditions for 20 min. The obtained seeding solution can be stored in a glass bottle for the later use. An alumina support was dip-coated in the above seeding solution for 20 s. After briefly drying at room temperature for 2 h, the seeded support was dried in an oven (808C) overnight before secondary growth. For the microwave-assisted secondary growth, 30 mL DMF was added into a solid mixture of Zn(NO3)2路6H2O (0.57 g) and bim (0.31 g) with stirring (molar composition of the synthesis solution: Zn2+/bim/DMF = 0.75:1:150). This clear solution was transferred into a Teflon autoclave in which a seeded support was placed vertically. Afterwards the autoclave was heated in a microwave oven (Ethos 1,MLS) at a power of 300 W to 1008C in 10 min, and then kept at 1008C for 3 h. After cooling, the membrane was washed with methanol and dried at 508C overnight. 100mlDMF加入到0.302 g Zn(NO3)2?6H2O和0.769 g 苯并咪唑,边加入边搅拌(Zn2+/bim/DMF = 0.154:1:200),常温下放置48h,离心法分离,然后用DMF冲洗 合成的纳米晶种分散到甲醇或者DMF液中形成稳定的胶体分散系。然而,当使用胶体分散系来涂层氧化铝支持体时,晶种层很容易被剥离。为了解决这个问题,我们将ZIF纳米晶种分散到聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)溶液中以获得具有粘性的晶种溶液(含有4 wt% ZIF-7与2 wt% PEI)。尽管由于ZIF-7的疏水性,其不能在水相中分散,但是通过超声处理,它能均匀分散到含水的PEI溶液。这可能是由于PEI能在纳米晶种的表面整合锌离子,从而使其与水溶液相容。此外,PEI能够通过氢键反应加强晶种与支持体之间的连接。 我们使用浸镀Zn2+/bim/DMF = 0.75:1:150的溶液中。微波辅助加热至108℃(3h) An on-stream activation was carried out to open the pores and to monitor the activation process simultaneously by u



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