介绍家乡 英语presentation 3精要.ppt

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介绍家乡 英语presentation 3精要

谭All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy Jack All play and no work 136536513953 First,let me give you a riddle 孔融曰 打一地名 北海道Hokkaidō 〔注解〕会意:孔融即“让梨”的那位,东汉末年人,曾做过曹操的“北海太守”,为人才智敏捷,长于作文,是当时名士,又兼为官清正,颇有政绩,时人称“孔北海”。“曰”即说、道。合起来是北海道。 Hokkaido(北海道) is an island at Japans northern extremity, surrounded by sea in all directions. It is an extensive land, accounting for 22% of Japans total land area. Hokkaido Hokkaidō shanghai area population 83,000 square kilometers 5,700,000 6,340 square kilometers 25,000,000 Different seasons in Hokkaido winter The capital of Hokkaido Japans fifth largest city. youngest major cities. In 1857, the citys population stood at just seven people. Clock Tower Chocolate Factory and the annual snow festival. Sapporo札幌 Sapporo札幌 The Clock Tower is a symbol of Sapporo. It has been marking time for over a century. It has become one of Sapporos most famous tourist attractions. constructed in 1878 as a drill hall Sapporo Agricultural College. The Clock Tower(札幌钟楼) Sapporo札幌 Today, the Clock Tower serves as a museum with displays about the history of the building and Sapporo on the first floor. On the second floor are displays about the clock and a spacious ceremony hall that calls to mind the simple buildings of the colonial American Midwest. Shiroi Koibito Park(白色恋人巧克力公园) Shiroi Koibito cookie(白色恋人巧克力) Sapporo札幌 Most interestingly, a few large windows through which visitors can observe the cookie production process in the factory. It is also possible to create your own cookies in hands-on workshops. Sapporo札幌 The Sapporo Snow Festival ,held during one week every February in Sapporo , attract hundreds of thousands of visitors. It is one of Japans most popular winter events. Sapporo札幌 The Sapporo Snow Festival (札幌雪雕节) Sapporo札幌 The Sapporo Snow Festival was started in 1950 Otaru小樽 Otaru Canal(小樽运河) Otaru小樽 romantic atmosphere. Otaru小樽 The Music Box Museum(音乐盒堂) Otaru小樽


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