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3. to go through (l. 15) 1) to finish or complete 完成,通过 2) to undergo 经历,经过 related expressions: go about 着手干,进行 go after 追逐 go against 违背,违反 go at 攻击,扑向 go all out 全力以赴 go beyond 超出 go by (时间)逝去; 遵循 go for 支持;喜欢 go in for 从事;追求 go off 出发,爆炸 go over 走过去; 检查 go through with 做完 4. in/by contrast (l. 17) as an obvious difference between two or more things 相比之下 cf. in contrast with (to) 与······形成对比 form a sharp contrast to 与······形成鲜明对比 5. (to) neglect v. n. (l. 35) v. 1) to give no or not enough care or attention to (sb./sth.) 忽视,忽略 2) to fail or forget to do (sth.), esp. carelessly 遗忘 n. neglecting or being neglected 疏忽,忽略 Collocation: to neglect one’s meals and sleep 废寝忘食 to neglect sb.’s warning 忽视某人的警告 to neglect of one’s duty 玩忽职守 to fall into neglect 渐被忽略 to treat sb. with neglect 怠慢某人 (to be) in a state of total neglect 处于无人管理的状态 For the next unit, the following questions are for you to think about and try to find the answer to them from the text of Unit Three. Q. 1 For what do you come to college? Q. 2 What does the Hyde School value? Why? Q. 3 What is the biggest challenge to the achievement of their goal? Why? Q. 4 What do you think the students of the Hyde School will get from their program? END Nick and Mary were given a toy gun and teddy bear respectively. 一、二、三等奖分别授予詹姆斯、马克和彼得。 The first, second and third prizes went to James, Mark and Peter respectively. cf. respective adj. 各自的 麦克和丽莎决定探望各自的母亲。 Mike and Lisa were going to visit their respective mothers. 那三个人按其各自的能力被安排工作。 The three men were given work according to their respective abilities. 5. to take in (l. 17) HERE:to absorb into the body 吸收 This phrasal verb has many meanings and, in most cases,


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