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第八章 国家责任法 The Law of State Responsibility Page ? * 引例: 相关新闻事件:美国警察冲进中国驻休斯敦领馆 铐走我副总领事 n271847489.shtml 往年司考真题:甲国警察布某,因婚姻破裂而绝望,某日持枪向路人 射击…布某的疯狂射击造成数人死亡,其中包括乙国驻甲国的参赞 科某.根据国际法的有关规则,下列哪一选项是正确的(2004.1.30) A.甲国国家应该承担直接责任 B.甲国国家应该承担间接责任 C.甲国国家应该承担连带责任 D.甲国国家没有法律责任 1. Introductionts (1) The Concept of State Responsibility State responsibility reflects that states or other political entities possessing international personality must be legally responsible for breach of an international obligation. 有别于: political liability; international liability 1. Introductionts (2) The Characters and Sources of LOSR 国家责任法是国际法的一个重要分支,其所规范的是国家间的 责任法律体系。 国家责任法的法律渊源主要是: International Custom Rules General Principles of Law International Judicial Decisions Resolutions of International Organizations 1. Introductionts (3) The Development and Codification of LOSR 早期: 双边条约性质的国际义务, 核心是外国人的待遇问题; 现代: 多边公约性质的国际义务, 国家不法行为的责任追究; ILC Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts 2001 1. Introductionts (1) The Components of States Responsibility ★ 行为依据国际法可以归因于国家; ★ 该行为违反了该国所承担的国际法律义务. 思考:国内法体系中民事侵权责任构成要件是什么? 2. Establishment of State Responsibility (2) Conducts can be attributed to States ★ the conducts of State organs The executive; The legislature; The judiciary; ★ the conducts of Heads of State, Heads of government Diplomatic agents (身份特殊,因此不再区分公务还是私人行为) 2. Establishment of State Responsibility (2) Conducts can be attributed to States ★ the conducts of officials (其行为并不必然归因于国家) ★ the conducts of entity authorized by State (前提是该机构获得了国家的授权而为特定行为) 2. Establishment of State Responsibility (2) Conducts can be attributed to States ★ the conducts of organs dominated by State (例如国家驻使领馆的行为) ★ the conducts of Ultra Vires (前提是该机构获得了国家的授权而为特定行为) 2. Establishment of State Responsibility (2) Conducts ca