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Quality Assurance to prevent any deviation from stated quality specifications quality specifications should be integrated 质量控制系统的缺陷 质量控制在何时进行? 原材料控制 控制原材料的目的在于所用的原材料符合标准要求 物理指标 化学指标 微生物指标 parameters and aspects 欧盟对原奶的技术要求 细菌总数 ( at 30°) 体细胞数 利乐灌装机 芽孢(TSC) 耐热芽孢(TRSC) 100 000/ml* 400 000/ml** 100cfu/ml 10cfu/ml UHT 产品涉及的一些原材料的技术参数 改善挤奶卫生对原奶质量的提高 细菌总数 风味 搀假 体细胞数 etc. 与生产的可加工性有关的参数 芽孢数 蛋白质的稳定性 pH 颗粒物质 耐热酶 etc. 橙浓缩汁的质量要求 样品分析项目 糖度 总酸 细菌总数 再制的浓缩橙汁质量要求 分析项目 折光 酸度 缺陷 沉降和悬浮的果肉含量 外观 色泽 风味 口味 Instruments used for oBrix measurements Quality Control Methods Tomato °Brix Bostwick Viscosity Blotter Howard Mould Count Colour Drain Weight 可接受的质量水平 定义为长货架期产品的微生物表现 中间产品控制 AQL值和可接受的耐热芽孢数 热处理 …降低微生物携带量至可接受水平 Departments involved in QA Quality control Production Maintenance Marketing Senior management ISO 9000, GMP, QACP and HACCP ISO 9000 Quality Manual Quality Procedures Work Instructions Good Manufacturing Practices should be in writing legislation on GMPs co-operation between legislator and industry process control emergency program Quality Assurance HACCP/QACP HACCP deals with public health issues QACP deals with product spoiling issues Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point look at your process/product from start to finish decide where hazards occur introduce checks and control points and monitor them write down all information and keep records ensure that the system continues to work efficiently Key objectives for HACCP To continuously produce a safe product To provide evidence of safe production and handling of food To maintain confidence in your product To satisfy customer requests for HACCP To comply with regulatory guidelines Introduction of a QACP Program (1) Commitment of senior management Team work Identification of product to be studied Description of the production line Identification of the hazards for food spoilage physical,chemical and biological (to be continued) be) Introduction of a QACP Program (2) Hazard Assessment probability estimate seve


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