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Energy Metabolism and Body Temperature 7.1.1 Energy sources utilization Energy sources 人和动物只能利用食物中蕴藏的化学能 The Production and function of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) Direct donator of energy: ATP Reserve form of energy: CP Glucose (1 mol): aerobic oxidation yields 38 mol ATP; anaerobic glycolysis yields 2 mol ATP Fat: 1 mol 6C fatty acid yield 44 mol ATP Protein: rarely used as energy donator 糖是主要供能物质,它提供人体所需能量的50%~70%;其余的能量由脂肪提供。脂肪是体内能源物质贮存的主要形式。在糖和脂肪供能不足时,蛋白质才分解用于提供能量。在被吸收的单糖中,葡萄糖占80%,通常所说的血糖是指血液中的葡萄糖。 糖的分解代谢:glycolysis、aerobic respiration, Oxygen debt 脑组织所需能量一般均来自糖的有氧氧化 Fat is the most concentrated source of food energy Fats have a little more than double the calories than carbohydrates and proteins have. stored in adipose tissue (脂肪组织)and in muscle muscle uses fatty acids for fuel produce ATP more slowly than CHO during rest, provides ? the ATP, but little during intense exercise it serves well in emergencies, when the body is in need of extra fuel Fat is often associated with cholesterol and health problems. protein split into amino acids in gut, absorbed, and transported by blood first role is providing building blocks for metabolic functions and tissue building provides 5-15% of fuel for ATP production Energy utilization More than 50% transfer to heat, Less than 50% store in the ATP CP Utilization: synthesis growth nerve conduction muscular contraction glandular secretion active absorption other functions Energy Balance Neutral energy balance is when the calories you take in is equal to the calories expended. Weight is maintained. Positive energy balance is when the calories you take in is greater than the calories expended. Weight is gained and fat stores are increased. Negative energy balance: calories you take in is less than the calories expended. Adipose, glycogen, and mus


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