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unit1,As his name is, so is he 1. 一天,在填写一份出版工作职位的申请表时,这位小姐一时冲动,用她的中名林恩替换了她的名字戴比 One day, while filling out an application form for a publishing job, the young woman impulsively substituted her middle name, Lynne, for her first name Debbie. One day, while doing sth , sb. impulsively did sth, else . 一天,在做某事时,某人心血来潮做了另一事。用于表述“事情发生的偶然性”。 eg一天,在苹果树下休息时,牛顿心血来潮自问道:为什么苹果往地上掉? One day, while resting under an apple tree, Newton impulsively asked himself why the apples fell down to the earth. 2. 一旦我不再称自己为戴比,我就感到好多了······ As soon as I stopped calling myself Debbie, I felt more comfortable with myself… As soon as I stopped calling myself Debbie, I felt more comfortable with myself… As soon as one stops doing sth. / stops to do sth., one feels comfortable / uncomfortable with oneself. 一旦某人不再做某事/停下来去做某事,某人就感觉舒服/不舒服。 用于强调“某事对某人的影响作用”。 eg一旦他停下手头的事,去玩网络游戏,他就感到很舒服 As soon as he stopped to play online games, he felt very comfortable with himself. 3to.add sth to sth else给什么增添。。。 eg一连串的小成功为他向更大的成就奋斗增添了信心。 A succession of little successes adds confidence to his striving for a greater one. 4. For better or worse 无论好坏,不管怎样 eg不论怎样,人们彼此真诚的牵挂会增进相互间的友谊 For better or worse, people’s sincere concern for each other will add to their friendship. convey sth to sb 给某人传递某东西 eg 他正是通过不停发短信向女孩传递着他深深的眷恋之情 It is through a constant flow of short messages that he conveys to the girl his strong attachment to her. 6. become attached to 附属于 eg女人最悲惨的事,莫过于对男人的依附 The saddest thing about women is that they become attached to men. 7. ······我确实曾一度设法成为了一名艺术评论家。即便如此,一家著名杂志一直拒绝把“乔”作为我的文章署名,而是用我名字的首字母 J. S. 来代替。 …I did manage to become an art critic for a time. Even so, one prominent magazine consistently refused to print “Joe” in my by-line, using my first initials, J. S., instead. Sb. do sth. Even so, sb. else refuse to do sth. else. 某人做了某事。即便如此,另一人仍拒绝做另一事。用于强调“人做事的不易”。 eg他的确在公开场合为自己的做法表示了歉意。即便如此,国家队仍不能原谅他 He did express his apology in public for his conduct.


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