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Unit One Useful Expressions 骄兵必败 pride comes before a fall 战无不胜 nothing could stand in their way 奋勇抵抗 fierce resistance 阴冷凄苦的俄罗斯寒冬 a raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter 堪称无敌 be unequaled… 痛苦的教训 a painful lesson 速决速胜 a quick, decisive victory 面临着一个重要抉择 be faced with a crucial decision 孤注一掷 take the gamble 激战 fierce battle 提出停战 offer a truce to等待时机 bide one’s time 成为一场噩梦 turn into a nightmare 拖着脚步行进 drag on 溃不成军的幸存者 the tattered survivors 不宣而战 without a declaration of war 闪电式战略 lightning war “焦土”政策 “scorch the earth” 处境变得危急 the situation becomes desperate 食品匮乏 food rns out 死于饥饿与疾病 die from hunger and disease 食品和补给的匮乏 a lack of food and supplies Unit two Useful Expressions 计算机革命 the computer revolution 制造业 manufacturing industry 长途司机 long-distance driver 被严重低估 be grossly underestimated 威胁生命的重大隐患 life-threatening hazard 解决问题 cure the problem 积极的影响 a positive impact 与无线电信号调谐 be tuned to radio signals 在任何一个特定时间 at any given time 量子理论法则 the laws of the quantum theory 精确的频率 precise frequency 发出无线电信号 send out a radio signal 换算出 be converted into 导航能力 navigational capability 几乎无限 virtually limitless 手杖 walking sticks 遥控 remote control 潜在的应用 potential use / application 要求 call for 完全控制 take complete control of 被编成组 be bunched into groups 一齐行驶 travel in union 对环保有利 environmental boon Unit three Useful Expressions 模拟面试 mock interview 采取进一步行动 follow up 在某人手中,为某人所拥有 in sb’s hands 亲手送交的 hand-delivered 可能的客户 prospective customers 在我看来 as I see it 俗话说 (as) the saying goes 极有可能 the odds are good that 一生中仅有一次的经历 a once-in-a-lifetime experience 事先做好准备 do one’s homework 努力争取,追求 go after 交换场地


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