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Important words: bathe v. bathe sb.给…洗澡 be bathed in 沐浴在… 月光下的花儿散发出香甜的味道。 The flowers bathed in the moon smells sweet. weep v. weep— wept— wept cry/weep/sob 这3个动词均有“哭”之意。 cry: 普通用词。指因痛苦、悲哀或伤感等出声地哭。 weep: 书面用词,指小哭或无声地哭,侧重流泪。 sob: 指抽泣、呜咽。 sideways adv. give a sideways glance 斜眼看了一下 我走进他房间的时候,他只是斜眼看了我一下,又继续玩电脑游戏了 When I entered his room, he only gave me a sideways glance, and then went back to his computer games. deadly adv. deadly diseases →dead adj. →death n. →die v. dead: adj.“死的”、“已死去的”(no longer living);dead fish adv.其意为“完全地”、“非常地”,e.g. dead drunk; dead tired; dead dull; dead right. deadly:adj. “致命的”:“不共戴天的”与之经常搭配使用的词有:poison、weapon、wound、enemy。 adv. “非常”、“极其”的意思,一般用于负面意义,相当于very much和extremely. His face turned deadly pale. He was dead drunk in the New Year Eve party. bid n. in a bid to do sth. 为了… in a bid for sth. v. bid — bid — bid 为了能够存下部分工资,他决定乘地铁上班。 In a bid to save part of his salary, he has decided to go to work by the underground. agenda n. on the agenda 在议事日程上 conclude v. to conclude 终结,结束,推断conclude with sth. 以……结束 conclusion n. arrive at / come to / draw a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 在结束时 discriminate v. 区别 discriminate…from… 把…区别开来 discrimination n. discrimination against sb. 歧视… additional adj. addition n. in addition (to sth. )add v. add up to总计 add to 增加 unconscious adj. be unconscious of 未察觉,不清楚 appetite n. have an appetite for sth. 渴望,想要spoil one’s appetite 破坏食欲 slide v. slide — slid —slid slide/slip into the bad habit of doing sth. 不知不觉染上坏习惯 slip/slide这些动词均可表示“滑动”之意。 slip: 指不自觉地、偶然地滑动。 slide: 通常多指与光滑表面保持接触并且迅速地连续滑动。 人很容易染上像抽烟、喝酒这样的恶习,要戒掉却不那么容易。 It can be very easy to slide into such bad habits as smoking and heavy drinking, but it is not so easy to quit. develop the habit of doing sth. fall into the habit of doing sth. form the habit of doing sth. pick up the habit of doing sth. take to doing sth. be used to doing sth. get out of the habit of ... break the habit of ... kick the habit of ... give up the habit of ...



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