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Writing Course Lecturer: Wang Xia 原文 ?????? 他说:“她这人真有意思。”她说:“他这人挺有意思。”于是有人传言:他和她有了意思,要他们赶快意思意思。他发火了,说:“你们这样瞎说是什么意思。”传言者有点不好意思,便解释说:“仅仅是开开玩笑而已,绝没有别的意思。”事后,有人说:“真有意思。”也有人说:“真没意思。” ????????????????????????????--《新民晚报》彭小华 He said, “There is something special about her.” And she once mentioned, “He has a thing.” Then, somebody said something about him and her, teasing a thing going on. He got annoyed, “What do you mean by something?” Somebody felt something wrong and embarrassed, “I was just saying something, nothing particular.” After that, some laughed, “It is really something.” Others disappointed, “Not a thing at all.” Sentence expanding Coordination The definition of coordination II. The function of coordination III. Ways of coordination The definition of coordination 1. 不早了,我们得走了。 It’s late, so we have to go. 2. 这只小猫好可爱,我们好喜欢。 The small cat is cute, and we love it so much. ----The most obvious difference between English and Chinese lies in the fact that there are a lot of coordinating and subordinating words to connect sentences to make them logical and consistent. But in Chinese, we don’t have so many such words, our language is rather loose and arbitrary compared with English. The definition of coordination ----Coordination is the linking of equally weighed elements. ----Coordination connects two or more sentence elements (words, phrases, and clauses) that have the same grammatical function. II. The function of coordination: ---intelligent use of coordination can help give smoothness, variety, emphasis and unity to our writing. III. Ways of coordination Sentence Expanding ----- Coordination 并列法 A. Compound sentence B. Parallel structure 用并列法扩展句子的一种方法是,把两个或两个以 上的简单句使用并列连词或者连接副词连接在一 起,这种句子叫做并列句(compound sentence); 另一种方法是,运用平行结构(parallel structure), 即平行(排比)结构。 III. Ways of coordination A. Expanding with Compound Sentences 用并列句扩展 把独立分句连成并列句有三种方法: a. Compound sentences with coordinators 使用并列连词 b. Compound sentences with conjunctive adverbs 使用连接副词 c. Com


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