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Two-stage turbocharger application technology 两级增压应用技术 Two-stage turbocharger technology can improve mid and low speed torque at least 20%. 两级增压技术可提高发动机中低速扭矩20%以上。 With the same torque, two-stage supercharger can largely improve the transient performance. 在相同的扭矩下,两级增压的瞬态加速性能更好。 The economical area are mainly in the mid and low speed area, the economical performance of the mid and low load is better than single charger. 两级增压经济区偏向中低转速,中低负荷经济性比单级增压更好。 The two-stage supercharger technology is one of the most effective technologies for the EURO Ⅳ and the more strict emission regulations. 两级增压技术是国4以上机型的有效技术之一。 Technical term:multivariable parameter calibration technology 技术名称:多变量参数标定技术 Precision of the total factor calibration is the highest, but the number of experiments would increase geometrical times according to the number of the variable; the traditional calibration based on the experience of the engineers lacks precision and is hard to exploit the whole potentiality of the engine. 全因子标定方法标定精度最高,但是标定次数随着标定变量的增加呈几何倍的增长;传统的工程师经验标定方法,标定精度差,难以挖掘发动机的潜力。 The number of experiments that the multi-variable calibration method takes is about 1/20th of which the total factor method would take, and 1/5th of what engineers would take based on their experience. The result is close to the total factor calibration, which is much better than calibration based on experience of the engineers. Multivariable calibration is quite helpful in the ESC emission calibrations,as well as the optimization of the fuel consumption. 多变量标定方法的试验次数大约为全因子的1/20,为工程师经验标定的1/5。多变量标定技术的标定效果接近全因子方法,远远好于工程师经验标定方法。多变量标定技术使得ESC排放标定变得轻松,并能标定出最优的加权油耗率。 Technical term:EGR technology 技术名称:EGR匹配技术 Charge system is important for the EGR engine,which refers to the effect of the EGR system. EGR机型增压系统非常关键,涉及到EGR是否能实现。 The pipe system greatly affects uniformity of EGR. Study on the uniformity is one of the key problems of EGR engine. 管路对EGR均匀性影响很大,均匀性研究是EGR


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