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摘 要本设计利用STC89C52芯片模拟电梯控制系统,完成了电梯的基础功能:通电后,系统默认停留在一楼,通过按键来选择楼层,电梯运行按呼叫优先,先上后下的原则。电梯在行进时,由LED箭头指示电梯是上行和下行的方向,电梯停下时,LED箭头熄灭,同时用数码管显示实时楼层数,体现了了单片机编程功能较多,简洁多变的特点,符合可持续发展战略的要求,具有极大的前景。本次设计更加注重在设计中应用平时所学的知识,采用C语言进行编程,使其移植性更强,后续开发更加便捷,同时该设计可用于平时学校教学的模型,便于了解电梯控制系统的原理,寻找电梯控制系统的设计思路,激发同学的学习兴趣。关键词:控制,电梯,单片机ABSTRACTThis design USES STC89C52 chip simulation elevator control system, completed the basic function of the lift, after electrify, system default on the first floor, through the button to select the floor, the elevator running according to call first, after the first principle.The elevators, LED by the arrow indicates the direction of the elevator is ascending and descending, the elevator stopped, LED the arrow out, using digital tube display real-time several floors at the same time, manifests the procession of microcontroller programming function is more, concise and changeable characteristics, accord with the requirement of sustainable development strategy, has a great prospect.This design pay more attention to in the design application of learned knowledge, using C language programming, make its portability, subsequent development more convenient, at the same time, the design can be used for normal school teaching model, easy to understand the principle of the elevator control system, looking for elevator control systems design idea, stimulate students interest in learning.Keywords:control ,Elevator, MCU目 录摘要IABSTRACTII第1章绪论- 1 -1.1 课题背景- 1 -1.2 电梯的发展趋势- 2 -1.3 设计目的- 3 -1.4 本设计完成的工作- 3 -第2章硬件实现及单元电路设计- 4 -2.1 系统总体框架- 4 -2.2 单元电路设计- 4 -2.2.1 主控制模块- 5 -2.2.2 电源模块- 6 -2.2.3 单片机时钟电路- 6 -2.2.4复位电路模块- 7 -2.2.5 电梯呼叫按键模块- 7 -2.2.6楼层显示模块- 8 -2.2.7 楼层指示模块- 8 -2.2.8 电梯上下指示模块- 9 -2.2.9 声音提醒模块- 9 -第3章系统软件设计- 10 -3.1 主程序流程图- 10 -3.2 电梯运行- 11 -3.3 独立按键程序- 12 -3.4 电梯上下行判断模块- 13 -3.5 定时器初始化程序- 13 -3.5.1 芯片内部定时/计数器- 13 -3.5.2 初始化程序流程图- 14 -第4章实物制作与调试- 15 -4.1 实物焊接步骤- 15 -4.2软件调试和整体调试- 17 -结论- 18 -致谢- 19 -参考文献- 20 -附录1 实物图- 21 -附录2 整机电路原理图- 22 -附录3源程序- 23 -第1章绪论1.1 课题背景电梯出现在人类的生活中已经


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