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毕 业 设 计 施 工 组 织 设 计 题 目 重庆市某高校学生宿舍楼-38 学生所在学院 土木工程学院 专 业 土木工程 学 号 学 生 姓 名 唐茂林 指 导 教 师 潘晓丽 起 止 日 期 2016.3.14—2016.6.3 重庆市开县某高校学生宿舍楼设计论文 摘?要 本次我的毕业设计的题目是重庆某高校学生宿舍楼-38,宿舍坐北朝南,其建筑面积约580.32㎡,总层数五层,层高3.6m,结构形式为框架结构。此次设计的目的旨在通过综合运用大学中所学到的专业知识,充分利用图书馆,网络等现有资源完成一个包括建筑方案的确定,总平面图确定,建筑施工图绘制,中英文摘要等内容的一个完整的设计任务。从而让我们通过设计了解建筑设计的一般过程,掌揭律筑设计的全部内容,同时也可以培养我们综合运用基础理论和基本技能的能力,分析和解决实际问题的能力,还可以掌握多种绘图设计软件,比如CAD、天正。还有word、office 等软件。我们大学所学的知识进行一次全面的融合,这是对我们大学这三年来所学知识的一次其体的运用,对我以后的学习和工作帮助甚大。同时可以进一步掌握了建筑设计的基本步骤和方法,为以后的工作打下了坚实的基础,达到了理论和实践相结合的目的。 关键词:学生宿舍楼、宿舍楼设计、框架结构。 英文摘要 Design of a student dormitory Paper Abstract This my graduation design topic is chongqing vocational technical college boy # 38 dormitory building, six stories tall, dormitory is orientated north and south, its construction area 580.32㎡, structure form of the brick structure. This design is aimed at a comprehensive use led inch learn in college to professional knowledge, make full use of the library, network, the existing resources to complete a including determination of the construction scheme, the total floor plan sure, building construction drawings, abstract in English and Chinese and the content such as a complete design task.So let us know by design general process of architectural design, the design of the building off palm law all content, also can cultivate our comprehensive use of basic theory and basic skill ability, analysis and the ability of solving practical problems, can also learn a variety of drawing design software, and word, office software such as operation. The more important of sway recite paid to read times today can let us set with to university of knowledge for a complete integration, this is our university this two years to a knowledge of the use of the body, for my future study and work very great help


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